Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 27, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road,Mail Stop 285, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3591
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
mjennings@usgs.gov (mjennings@usgs.gov)
B. Special Studies and Analysis. The United States Geological Survey intends to negotiate and execute Blanket Purchase Agreements with the following parties: Avalon Development Company, Fairbanks, AK; Applied Geology, Sequim, WA; J. Huber, Anchorage, AK; Hawley Resources Group, Inc., Anchorage, AK; Pacific Rim Geological Consultants, Fairbanks, AK; Alaska Earth Sciences, Anchorage, AK, and Lance Miller, Juneau, AK. This action will establish terms and conditions applying to methods for pricing, issuing and delivering future BPA calls in the State of Alaska. The requirements are for an update to the existing Alaska Resource Data Files (ARDF) for quadrangles in Alaska. The contractors will review current information in the ARDF, internet address http://www-mrs-ak.wr.usgs.gov:80/ardf/ and obtain additional information from various sources and update the existing database. Contractors will be required to demonstrate minerals, field experience in Alaska with specific knowledge of one or more areas of the State; contacts with industry, Native Corporation, and governmental organizations and individuals who do or may hold unpublished information on Alaskan mineral deposits; and access to the comprehensive library and archival sources of Alaskan minerals information. Contractor will provide a report of each site of mineral occurrences in accordance with the guidance and format as contained in the ARDF Standards. Other sources who believe they are capable of providing these reports are requested to submit their qualifications and any pertinent information to the Contracting Officer no later than May 24, 2001. All requests for information must be in writing and include the firms name, point of contact, address, phone number and FAX number. Point of contact is M. Jennings (650-329-4151. Information and requests can be faxed to (650) 329-5480. See Note 26.
Loren Data Corp. 20010501/SPMSC009.HTM (W-115 SN50K3A0)

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Created on April 27, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com