Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 30, 2001
Contracting Office
NAVFACENGCOM Contracts Office, CODE NF20, BLDG. 41, NAVFACENGCOMDET-NFI, 3502 Goodspeed St., Suite 2, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4306
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
May 21, 2001
Point of Contact
Commanding Officer, NAVFACENGCOM, Contracts Office, NF20 Bldg. 41, NAVFACENGOMDET-NF20, 3502 Goodspeed Street Suite 2, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4337 POC Carrie P. de Jesus, Contract Specialist, (805) 982-5095
E-Mail Address
dejesuscp@cbchue.navfac.navy.mil (dejesuscp@cbchue.navfac.navy.mil.)
This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement for the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC) under FAR 6.102(d)(2) to solicit proposals for applied research and/or exploratory development of innovative technological solutions to the problem of SHIPBOARD SUPPLY CONVEYANCE FOR SEABASED WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS supporting Seabased Logistics. As defined by the clause at 252.226-7000 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, part of the proposed area listed in this BAA is being considered 100% set aside for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) or Minority Institutions (MI). Interested HBCU's and MI's should provide the contracting office as early as possible, but not later than 15 days after this notice, evidence of their ability to perform the contract, and a positive statement of their eligibility as an HBCU or MI. If adequate response is not received from HBCU's and MI's, the requirements will be issued, without further notice, as unrestricted to institutions, non-profit organizations and private industry. The effective period of this BAA is through 30 April 2002. The first cut-off date is 21 May 2001. Proposals must be submitted by this date to be considered for award in FY01. The desired completion date for FY01 award is 28 September 2001. The next cut-off dates are 31 December 2001 and 30 April 2002. Completion date for FY02 award is no later than 30 September 2002. TOPIC: SHIPBOARD SUPPLY CONVEYANCE FOR SEABASED WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS. Seabased logistics is a strategy being developed to support future Naval operations. A group of ships forming the seabase will serve as the logistics base providing supply, maintenance, transportation, and medical facilities for assault units ashore. This seabase is intended to replace as much as possible the traditionally large build-up of logistics support facilities and supplies ashore. This will enhance the maneuverability of forces ashore by removing or reducing the tie to a geographically fixed logistics support location. One of the major functions of the seabase will be to resupply the forces ashore. Supplies will be transported from a continental US or intermediate supply point to the seabase, and then distributed to the assault teams on shore as needed. Because of the limited space available onboard, the ability to efficiently and safely move supplies onboard the seabase vessels is critical. Most existing automated warehouse technologies for moving goods are suitable only for stationary warehouse applications. Because the seabase vessels will be required to perform their sustainment function through seastate 5 with full operational capability, these land-based technologies cannot be directly applied to use onboard a seabase vessel subjected to the motions resulting from the operational seastate. The objective of this BAA topic is to develop one or more conceptual designs of innovative technological solutions to the problem of shipboard supply conveyance supporting Seabased Logistics. For the purposes of defining the motions of a typical seabase vessel for this requirement, an LHD-1 Wasp class vessel may be assumed. The characteristics of this vessel are 844 ft LOA (Length Over All), 106 ft beam at waterline, 27 ft draft (full load) and 40,000 tons full load displacement. The quantity as well as dimensions and weights of the specific items and/or packages to be moved by the conveyance systems on board the seabase have not yet been defined. It is anticipated that the majority of supplies will arrive at the seabase predominantly packaged in 8x8x20 ft ISO (International Organization for Standardization) shipping containers or 48 inch long x 40 inch wide x approximately 45 inch high pallet loads (4000 lbs), but unique and outsized items also will need to be moved. Goods will have to be moved from their arrival location onboard the seabase to either strike-down or storage locations, from strike-down area to storage or to a re-assembly area, from storage to a re-assembly area, and from a re-assembly area to staging areas for lift to shore. This will include movement along decks (horizontal movement) as well as between decks (vertical movement) of the vessel. Smaller parcels will have to be moved on and between decks to support the assembly of specialized loads for transport to shore. Because specific system requirements have not been determined, and because it is not envisioned that a single system will be suitable for moving all types of cargo onboard the seabase, offerors are encouraged to submit proposals for concepts applicable to any significant portion of this spectrum of needed capability. Deliverables: Deliverables under this BAA shall include: (1) Monthly status reports (submitted both in hardcopy and by e-mail), (2) Draft report for review and (3) Final report documenting the design effort including (a) Concept description, (b) Design and/or performance criteria adopted for the conceptual design, to include at a minimum the range of suitable package dimensions and weights, throughput rate, conveyance speed, and allowable ship motions, (c) Conceptual design drawings, (d) Identification and discussion of required interfaces with other conveyance systems if the proposed concept does not accommodate both horizontal and vertical movement (on and between decks), (e) Discussion of the projected application of the system to seabased logistics operations and the projected limits of the underlying technology in terms of throughput, package sizes and weights and ship motions, (f) Description of further development needed to realize the full potential of the proposed concept for seabased logistics applications, if needed or appropriate. This work is being coordinated with other shipboard material handling projects. Seabased concept papers may be accessed at these sites or obtained from the Naval Facilities Contracting Office: http://www.concepts.quantico.usmc.mil/imagemap.htm and http://www.nwdc.navy.mil/Products/ConceptsEx/ConceptsFr.htm under the Naval Logistics heading. Full proposals up to 15 pages in length should be submitted in electronic format on either CD ROM, 3.5 inch floppy disk, Iomega Zip 100 compatible cartridge, or via e-mail to the address below. All electronic media submitted should be IBM-PC compatible. Proposals should clearly reference this announcement. The electronic proposals should be formatted in either Microsoft Word or a text file readable in Microsoft Word. The proposals should demonstrate an understanding of the problem, and include specific sections addressing the following technical evaluation criteria: (1) Overall scientific or technical merits of the proposal, including relevance to the stated technology area; (2) Anticipated operational utility of the proposed technology based on the technical requirements and operational environment described below; (3) Offeror's capabilities, related experience, techniques, or unique combination of these which are integral factors in achieving the offeror's proposed objectives; (4) Qualifications, capabilities and experience of the principal project personnel who are critical to achieving the objectives of the offer; and (5) Reasonableness of the proposed cost relative to the proposed scientific or technical approach, and other relevant cost data. Proposal evaluations will be based on a competitive selection of proposal from peer/scientific review using the technical evaluation criteria just described. One award in the range of $75,000 to $100,000 may be funded; however, there is no commitment by the Government to make any awards, or to make a specific number of awards or to be responsible for any money expended by the offeror before award of a contract. CRITICAL NOTE: CONTRACTORS ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION (CCR) IN ORDER TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT. NO CONTRACT AWARD WILL BE MADE TO ANY CONTRACTOR THAT IS NOT REGISTERED OR IN THE PROCESS OF REGISTERING WITH THE DOD CCR. THE DOD CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE MAY BE REACHED AT 1-888-227-2423. THE WEB SITE IS http://www.ccr.dlsc.dla.mil. Persons contemplating submittal of a proposal should obtain further information and forms required for submitting a proposal by requesting in writing to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Contracts Office NF20, Bldg. 41, NAVFACENGCOMDET-NF20, 3502 Goodspeed Street, Suite 2, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4337, Attn: Carrie De Jesus. All questions regarding this BAA may be faxed to (805) 982-4540. Any technical question should be submitted in writing, may be faxed, Attn: Carrie, or E-mailed to dejesuscp@cbchue.navfac.navy.mil.
Web Link
http://esol.navfac.navy.mil (http://esol.navfac.navy.mil)
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A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on April 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com