- Notice Date
- May 10, 2001
- Contracting Office
- U.S. Department of Labor, Procurement Services Center, Business Operations Center, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-5416, Washington, DC 20210
- ZIP Code
- 20210
- Solicitation Number
- RFP L/A 01-16
- Point of Contact
- Julie Lawrence, Contract Negotiator/Angel Perez, Contracting Officer,(202) 219-6445
- Description
- The United States Department of Labor's (DOL's) Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) is seeking an 8(a) qualified contractor to conduct nationwide Transition Assistance Program (TAP) workshops. The TAP program provides instruction, information and assistance to members of the Armed Forces who are within 180 days of separation, and their spouses. Please note that technical support visits and some workshop delivery may be required at sites outside the states and territories, which may be identified at a later date. The broad objective of the TAP is to provide veterans with skills needed to secure career oriented positions with full career potential and decrease unemployment time. DOL schedules TAP workshops on a regularly scheduled basis at locations identified by the Department of Defense with the objective of providing veterans with skills needed to secure career oriented positions with full career potential and to decrease unemployment time. An additional objective is to provide comprehensive educational and career guidance and support information to veterans to enable career planning. Workshops will be 2, 2 and or 3 days in length. This will be a firm, fixed price per workshop contract type. THIS IS AN 8(a) COMPETITION. PLEASE FAX YOUR REQUESTS FOR COPIES OF THE SOLICITATION (PLEASE REFERENCE RFP L/A 01-16 IN YOUR FAX) TO (202) 219-6853 -- ATTN: JULIE LAWRENCE/ANGEL PEREZ. PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW UP FAXED REQUESTS WITH A MAILED REQUEST. ALL REQUESTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN 15 DAYS FROM THE PUBLICATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE.
- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20010514/USOL001.HTM (W-130 SN50L861)
| U - Education and Training Services Index
Issue Index |
Created on May 10, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. --