Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 15, 2001
Contracting Office
Defense Threat Reduction Agency/AM, DTRA Annex, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, MSC 6201, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6201
ZIP Code
Response Due
May 31, 2001
Point of Contact
Edward B. Hale, Jr., Contracting Officer; 703-767-7943
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contracting Officer. (edward.hale@dtra.mil)
Notice of intent to negotiate a sole source contract to Dr. Rodney W. Jones for analytical and other technical support for the Advanced Systems and Concepts Office (ASCO) of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). ASCO is tasked with developing and maintaining an evolving analytical vision of necessary and sufficient capabilities to protect the United States and allies forces and citizens from nuclear, biological, and chemical attack. Also, ASCO is tasked to identify gaps in these capabilities and initiate programs to fill them. Tasks for this contractor consist of: (1) Reviewing draft reports of an ASCO-sponsored project on the strategic relationship of the U.S. with northeast Asia; (2) Working with ASCO to investigate sensitivity of results of the Multiple Engagement of Strategic Arsenals with Stability Metrics (MESA/SM) model to the form of the utility function and the stability metrics; and investigating the link of various plausible strategies to size and types of force allocations that arise from use of the model; (3) Reviewing nuclear-related studies produced by ASCO in Fiscal Year 2001 and producing a document incorporating the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of those studies; and (4) Reviewing draft reports of an ASCO sponsored project on minimal deterrence nuclear doctrines of France, the United Kingdom and China. The period of performance is for twelve (12) months, beginning on or about June 20, 2001. DTRA believes Dr. Rodney W. Jones is the only contractor possessing the knowledge and experience required to adequately fulfill the above requirements without undergoing extensive training and incurring additional expense to the government, and fulfill it within the time-frame required. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS. Interested parties have fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of this Synopsis, to submit in writing, to the identified point of contact, their qualifications and/or capabilities. Such qualifications and/or capabilities will be used solely for the purpose of determining whether or not to conduct this procurement on a competitive basis. Responses received after 15 days, or without the required information, will be non-responsive to this synopsis and will not be considered. A determination by the Government to not conduct this effort as a full-and-open competitive procurement, based upon responses to this notice, is solely within the discretion of the Government. All inquiries must be submitted in writing to the address of facsimile number stated herein and to the attention of Mr. Edward B. Hale, Jr. Responses to this notice must be received by close of business, May 31, 2001. Responses must include your name, point of contact, address and telephone number with area code. Telephone requests or inquiries will not be accepted. Requests may be faxed to (703) 767-4691. If no responses are received, an award will be made to Dr. Rodney W. Jones. FAR 6.302-1, Note 22 applies*****
Loren Data Corp. 20010517/BSOL007.HTM (W-135 SN50M1A0)

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Created on May 15, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com