Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 17, 2001
Contracting Office
National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Contracting for Acquisition & Technology Directorate, Attn: PCA/D-88, 4600 Sangamore Road, Bethesda, MD 20816-5003
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the contracting officer via (vandiverel@nima.mil)
The National Technology Alliance (NTA) is a United States Government program, established in 1987, for which the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) now serves as Executive Agent. The mission of the NTA is to influence commercial and dual-use technology development with an emphasis on meeting national security and defense needs. The NTA's purpose is to discover, initiate, or accelerate commercially available solutions to meet U.S. Government technology needs. In doing so, the NTA carries out basic and applied research, prototyping, demonstrations, evaluations, and development of technology solutions through partnerships with industry and academic institutions. The National Imagery and Mapping Agency is a Department of Defense combat support agency and national Intelligence Community agency providing imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial information in support of national security objectives. In its role as the NTA Executive Agent, NIMA intends to publish a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to initiate a competitive acquisition to redefine and replace the current NTA acquisition instruments that will expire on 30 September 2001. The purpose of this announcement is to advise that a DRAFT BAA has been posted at http://www.nima.mil/poc/contracts/baa.html#nta. This DRAFT BAA is not a solicitation for proposals. The final BAA will appear in the Commerce Business Daily (CBD), published by the United States Government, Department of Commerce and will also be subsequently be posted on the Internet at http://www.nima.mil/poc/contracts/baa.html#nta . Comments and recommendations concerning this draft will be accepted through 31 May 2001 by e-mail to VandivereL@nima.mil or mail to NIMA PCA, Attn: L. Vandivere -- Mail Stop P-65, 12310 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA, 20191-3449. Additional information about this procurement may be found at the URL: http://www.nima.mil/poc/contracts/baa.html#nta. An addition to the final BAA that is being considered is a requirement for the submission of one full project proposal in each Technology Area. This would give offerors an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to write clear project proposals and to highlight a promising research, development, and technology transfer/commercialization candidate. This requirement is not specified in the draft BAA, but comments and recommendations from potential offerors concerning this possibility are also sought.
Web Link
Click here to access to NIMA web site. (http://www.nima.mil/poc/contracts/baa.html#nta )
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Created on May 17, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com