Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 23, 2001
Contracting Office
Director General, Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation, P.O. Box 17, Sahab 11512, Amman, Jordan
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
May 24, 2001
Point of Contact
Mr. Abdel-Jaber Asfour, JIEC, International Tel. No. 962-6-4028849, or (b) Mr. Eric Peterson, USAID Amman, International Tel. No. 962-6-5920101,Ext 2132!!
E-Mail Address
http://www/usaid.gov (N/A!!)
This notice amends the previous notices dated April 20,2001 and May 2, 2001 regarding Construction of the Aqaba International Industrial Estate. The Tender Phase of this project will not include a technical proposal. This will be the only opportunity to demonstrate your technical qualifications for the project. The following information is provided to clarify the Request for Qualifications for the Aqaba International Industrial Estate Project. I. Construction Management Team Naming of subcontractors is an option, and is not required. However, naming subcontractors is an advantage that will be considered in meeting the requirements of the request depending on their relevant experience and past performance. All members of a Joint Ventures seeking to qualify as a Prime Contractor must meet the USAID Geographic Code 000 (U.S. only). Subcontractor relationships are allowed and may be used to demonstrate qualifications for the project. Subcontractors must be Jordanian and/or U.S. firms. At least 50% of the key staff shall be US citizens or US Green Card holders. The following positions as a minimum are considered "Key Staff": Project Manager, Resident Engineer, and the Quality Control Manager. II. Construction Management Delete the Utility Relocation Plan and discussion of the protection of utilities. The Environmental Mitigation Plan shall address only those potential contaminants introduced to the area as part of the construction process. These typically include the fueling and servicing of construction equipment. A general plan for storm water management should also be addressed. "Firm" as used in "firm projects" and "subcontractor firm" is defined as a business entity, not a contract or project type. "Key Staffs' Projects" refers to the projects your named key staff have worked on. JIEC is interested in the procedures and process you will use to control costs and prevent cost overruns. This will be a firm, fixed price contract. However, cost control history for the firm is a qualification consideration. The firm, fixed price contract for this project will include many unit priced quantities. Fixed Price is for the unit rates of the pay items in the Bills of Quantities, whereas actual quantities will be measured on site during and after construction. JIEC does not intend to track the contractor's actual expenses on this project. JIEC is interested in existing policies and procedures to control costs, manage project sites, timely identification and resolution of construction conflicts, and the provision of a safe working environment. V. Project Understanding Discuss your understanding of the project. The types of facilities and infrastructure are provided in the scope. The type of information anticipated will be general in nature. Opportunity for innovation is included to allow contractors to discuss the innovative construction and management that would separate them from other contractors. The due date remains May 24, 2001 noon, in the city where the Qualification Package is submitted. However, contractors may submit their qualifications statement to the JIEC office in Amman, Jordan or the Wilbur Smith Associates Office in Falls Church, Virginia, USA. The contact person and address for the Falls Church Office is: Mr. Dennis Milsten Wilbur Smith Associates 2921 Telestar Court Falls Church, Virginia 22042-1297. Tel: (703) 698-9780 Fax: (703) 280-1631 This is the only Wilbur Smith Associates Office approved to receive Qualification Packages for this project. End of Amendment
Web Link
USAID's CBD Notice Site (http://www.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/announce/cbd)
Loren Data Corp. 20010525/YSOL006.HTM (W-143 SN50M8V9)

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Created on May 23, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com