Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 24, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170-4817
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
June 19, 2001
Point of Contact
Michael W. Hargrove, Contracting Officer (703) 787-1367 and Terry W. Carroll, Procurement Technician (703) 787-1383
E-Mail Address
Michael.Hargrove, Contracting Officer and Terry W. (Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov and Terry.Carroll@mms.gov)
The Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS), intends to competitively award a contract to conduct a study for the Gulf of Mexico Regional Office. INTRODUCTION: This study is to perform the quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) efforts for the collected activities data around the Breton National Wilderness Area (BNWA) and to construct the emissions inventories of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) platform activities in this area for the period from September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001. To construct the emissions inventory for September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001, the Contractor shall use surveys from individual OCS facilities. Each survey shall describe individual sources emitting pollutants on OCS production platforms (OCSPP) adjacent to the BNWA. The contractor shall receive the survey files with OCS activity data from the MMS, QC them, and process the data into source records for this emissions inventory. STUDY OBJECTIVES: (A) To conduct QA/QC effort and to describe, quantify and archive individual sources, e.g., emission stacks or pieces of equipment, on OCSPP that emitted primary air pollutants adjacent to the BNWA during twelve (12) consecutive months from September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001. (B) To examine and document the pollutant emissions that OCSPP released during the periods from September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001, and to produce air emissions inventories using Breton Offshore Activities Data System (BOADS) data for air quality modeling and assessment. (C) To develop a test case for activity data for a typical offshore facility. This shall be an example of a completed activity database for a typical offshore facility. SCOPE OF WORK: Timing: The Period of Performance for this contract is eighteen (18) months. The data collected is from a study area of approximately a 100 km radius of the Breton Area. Task 1. Review existing BOADS and Database Management System (DBMS) software developed under MMS contract 98CT30856 to ensure its adequacy for the current contract. If deficiencies are identified, the Contractor shall bring these to the attention of the COTR along with options for resolution and recommendations. (OPTIONAL TASK 1.A): If MMS decides corrective coding is necessary, the Contractor shall accomplish such coding, and modify the existing software documentation and User's Guide as appropriate to reflect the change made. Task 2. Develop QC Project Plan and conduct QA/QC effort. The Contractor shall submit a draft QC Project Plan. After review by the COTR, the Contractor shall incorporate those comments, recommendations, corrections, and suggestions approved by the COTR. The plan shall contain the following information. Task 2.1 Activity Data. The Contractor shall document how they will conduct QA/QC on the activity data for the period from September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001. At a minimum, this shall address the following: 1. Types of Sources. This shall indicate how the Contractor will determine the general types of sources associated with OCSPP during the period from September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001 (e.g., platform equipment, platform flares, storage tanks, pipeline construction equipment, research vessels, drilling equipment, supply ships, etc.). Two (2) kinds of information shall describe sources: source information and emissions parameters. 2. Methods. This shall indicate how the Contractor will estimate the number, distribution, and emissions parameters for each source type during the period for September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001. If surrogate data needs to be developed for missing data, the Contractor shall describe the methodology used for generating the surrogate data, and the surrogate data shall be clearly be identified as such. 3. Data Handling. This shall indicate how the Contractor will obtain and store information to construct these inventories and how the data that has passed QA/QC will be archived. Task 2.2 Perform QA/QC of data. After MMS approves the Project Plan, the Contractor shall perform QA/QC of the data. Activity data deficiencies shall be identified, reconciled, and documented by the Contractor. If some data cannot be reconciled, these shall be forwarded to the COTR as soon as possible, so that MMS may attempt to reconcile them or contact the operator for clarification or correction. Once MMS has reconciled the problem, the resolution will be forwarded back to the Contractor for further processing as soon as possible. If there are irreconcilable errors, the Contractor shall propose an alternative approach. The QC should consider activity data elements individually as well as compare them through time and against similar equipment items on other platforms. Task 3. Develop Project Plan for Emissions Inventory and Construct Emissions Inventory. The Contractor shall document in a separate section how they plan to construct the emissions inventory for the period from September 1, 2000, to August 31, 2001. Task 3.1. Develop Plan for Preparing Emission Inventory. At a minimum, this plan should address the following: (A) Processing. The Contractor shall describe how the activity data files will be used in constructing the emissions inventory with the DBMS. It shall also discuss the emission factors used and the calculation methods employed. (B) Methods. This will indicate how the Contractor will revise the DBMS throughout the contract, if needed. (C) Recommendation for Upgrade. This will indicate how the Contractor will modify DBMS software, if appropriate, based on knowledge, experience, and recommendations obtained during the contract. (D) Data Handling. This will indicate how the contractor will archive the emissions inventory. Task 3.2. Construct emission inventory for September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001. (A) The Contractor shall perform emissions calculations on each survey and conduct QA/QC on the results. The Contractor shall post results from the QA/QC tests and completed sources' records on the Contractor's secure FTP site. (B) The Contractor shall promptly notify the COTR whenever the work reaches an inspection point, when they require immediate guidance, or when problems make the project's completion beyond the contract's performance period. Task 4. Develop A Test Case. The Contractor shall develop a test case for activity data. This will be an example of a completed activity database for a typical offshore facility. This test case will serve as an example for guiding any intended user or the operators to populate their database software program with the activity data. Task 5. Status Letters and Interim Progress Summary. The Contractor shall regularly report to the MMS in the following manner. (A) The Contractor shall submit monthly Status Letters. (B) The Contractor shall also submit one (1) Interim Progress Summary. Task 6. Submit the final versions of BOADS and the DBMS. After completing the interim report, the Contractor shall submit the final versions of the BOADS and the DBMS. Task 7. Information Transfer Meeting Presentations. The Contractor shall give presentations at the MMS' Information Transfer Meeting (ITM) following the guidelines given in their invitation letters. These meetings are held annually in New Orleans, Louisiana. Task 8. Submit a Final Report. The Contractor shall submit a Final Report, which shall include a DRAFT Copy, PROOF Copy, and FINAL Version, in accordance with the guidelines found at the following website: Http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/studies/contspec.PDF At a minimum, the Final Report shall contain the following information: 1) a summary of the methods used to produce the inventory; 2) graphical depictions and time series showing how emission rates varied over location, time, type of source, and production yields; 3) an identification and interpretation of temporal and spatial changes in emission rates; 4) an estimate on how air quality assessments may contain errors due to uncertainties in sources and their emission parameters; 5) digital files containing all sources and their emission parameters so the MMS can use these files in air quality modeling or other analysis. The MMS shall specify the format and contents for the digital files, and 6. Source codes and Updated User's Guides for BOADS and DBMS, if the software required modification. HOW TO RESPOND: To compete for this contract, an offeror must demonstrate that they are qualified to perform the work by providing, not later than 19 JUNE 2001, a Capabilities Statement, describing in detail: (A) Key personnel with the expertise and experience in conducting the described disciplinary program, and their qualifications for performing or managing the project; and producing a high quality document. Particularly relevant is their expertise and knowledge in the areas of (1) Knowledge of oil and gas industry, platform equipment and operation, activity data, and emission inventories in the Gulf of Mexico region, (2) Knowledge of QA/QC procedures and process, (3) Knowledge of data archiving and reporting,(4) Ability to deal with erroneous or missing data, (5) Knowledge of database development such as Visual Basic, Oracle or the familiarity of the database software: BOADS and GOADS software, and (6) Knowledge of emission inventory construction. Offeror must also demonstrate their ability to do the work, and an understanding of the directed missions of the MMS. Principal scientists or engineers must collectively illustrate relevant experience in these areas of expertise through authorship in appropriate documents, peer-reviewed publications, and/or work history, and/or professional affiliations. (B) The organization's expertise relevant to the objectives of this study and a description of facilities and resources to be used and how they relate to the objectives and tasks of this study. (C) In addition, the Offeror shall provide information on specific references (including project identifier and description, period of performance, dollar amount, and client name and phone number) for previous work comparable to that described in this announcement that your organization or personnel is currently performing or has completed within the last three (3) years. REFERENCES WILL BE CHECKED. EVALUATION INFORMATION AND POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION FOLLOWS: CAPABILITY STATEMENTS WILL BE EVALUATED ON THE FOLLOWING: The Capability Statement will be evaluated on the basis of A. KEY PERSONNEL: (1) Skills, abilities, education, and professional credentials, experience, expertise, and knowledge of the key personnel in the areas listed in the Capability Statement described above. Availability of personnel, resources, education, and experience; (2) current quality and depth of experience in working on similar projects (similar in size, scope, complexity, duration, and dollar value); (3) Publication history; (4) Demonstration of capabilities and experience in computer software development, data process and data entry of activity data, data archive and retrieval, and QA/QC procedure and process. B. PROJECT MANAGER. (1) demonstrated leadership ability required for the coordination to complete the study; (2) experience in managing a multi-disciplinary team; (3) ability to control cost and to keep project performance and document preparation on schedule;(4) Program Manager's relevant background, education, experience, and accomplishments in project management, and (5) experience in managing projects of similar scope, size, and complexity. C. ORGANIZATION PAST PRERFORMANCE & EXPERIENCE: (1) Expertise and experience of the organization and its team in conducting projects similar to the current data collection, and emission inventory (similar to the current project in scope, size, level of effort and complexity, duration, and dollar value); (2) producing high-quality products and documents; (3) conducting similar projects on schedule and within budget; (4) adequacy of computer facilities; (5) qualifications and experience of your organization; (6) cooperation between Contractor's staff and key personnel with clients. Offerors shall submit their Capabilities Statement in original and four (4) copies to Michael W. Hargrove, Contracting Officer, Minerals Management Service, 381 Elden Street, MS-2500, Herndon VA 20170-4817. Six (6) additional copies shall be submitted to Ms. Connie Landry, (MS 5431), Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans LA 70123-2394. Time of receipt of submissions will be determined by the time received in the Procurement Operations Branch, Herndon VA. QUESTIONS SHOULD BE FAXED TO THE ATTENTION OF MICHAEL W. HARGROVE AND TERRY W. CARROLL AT 703-787-1387 OR E-MAILED TO BOTH Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov and Terry.Carroll@mms.gov. ALL CORRESPONDENCE MUST INCLUDE THE RFP NUMBER, YOUR FULL NAME, YOUR COMPANY NAME, PHONE AND FACSIMILE NUMBERS. MMS STRONGLY DISCOURAGES TELEPHONE REQUESTS OR QUESTIONS. EMAILADD: Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov?Subject=RE: CBD Notice B -- DATA QUALITY CONTROL AND EMISSIONS INVENTORIES OF OCS PLATFORM ACTIVITIES IN THE BRETON AREA OF THE GULF OF MEXICO">Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov/Terry.Carroll@mms.gov. EMAILDESC: <A HREF="mailto:Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov?Subject=RE: CBD Notice B -- DATA QUALITY CONTROL AND EMISSIONS INVENTORIES OF OCS PLATFORM ACTIVITIES IN THE BRETON AREA OF THE GULF OF MEXICO">Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov/Terry.Carroll@mms.gov.">Contracting Officer and Procurement Technician E-mail</A> addresses
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Created on May 24, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com