Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 24, 2001
Contracting Office
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), BMDO/CT, 7100 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-7100
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Ms Cindy Sanders, Contract Specialist, BMDO/CTI, (703) 659-9211; Ms Karla Smith Jackson, Contracting Officer, (703) 695-9112, CBD Reference Number: BMDO 01-08
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) is seeking (1) facility security services at the Federal Office Building 2 (FOB2) 24/7 and Crystal City Office suite Annex locations (0600-2200), including Federal Holidays and weekends, to include: (a) controlling visitor access, personnel access, electronic-magnetic media entry and exit; (b) recording visit authorization requests through the refinement, maintenance and operation of computerized badging, access and CCTV systems; (c) escorting visitors, facility maintenance and limited numbers of construction personnel; (d) operating and maintaining computerized badging station connected to BMDO and DPS badging systems; (e) issuing BMDO and DoD badges, to include ability to manipulate digital photographs in multiple formats; (f) operating and maintaining database, to include trouble shooting BMDO networked access control system; (g) performing light maintenance and troubleshooting of door and access control system hardware; (h) performing maintenance and operating the BMDO furnished self propelled vehicle and (2 CONUS and O-CONUS conference security support to include: (a) access control security planning and operations by developing attendance databases using Impromptu with IACS and Paradox software, designing and fabricating paper and electronic badges, (b) coordinating registration planning, (c) conducting on-site surveys of conference sites to determine suitability of site and define security requirements; (d) developing and implementing security site plans (including support personnel, security logistics, and communications requirements); (e) resource preparation; and (f) foreign and national participant registration for BMDO sponsored conferences. Potential offerors should have a working knowledge of Advanced MultiMax Access from Group 4 (AMAG) (proprietary CCTV control , alarms, card readers and card reader/badge coding), Electronic Badging and Access Control System (EBACS) (Defense Protective Services (DPS) developed used to generate DoD/BMDO badges) Integrated Access Control System (IACS)(BMDO in house developed used for visitor badges, clearance data, facility clearance data, and generation of outgoing Visit Authorization Requests (VAR)), IMPROMPTU (used with IACS to generate ad hoc reports, and PARADOX (conference databases and reports not supported in IACS). Must be very familiar with operating systems (DOS and WINDOWS NT), applications, hardware, utilities, graphics, and basic programming concepts and at least a familiarity with several programming languages (SQL, Visual Basic, C++, etc.) and networking concepts and practices. The contract will be a hybrid Firm Fixed Price, and Time and Materials (FFP, for facility security services and T&M for conference security support) with a two-year base period and three one-year options. Planned contract award is October 2001. BMDO is seeking sources for a potential competitive 8(a) set-aside limited to eligible certified businesses under the Small Business Administration (SBA) Section 8(a) Program as defined in the North American Industrial Classification System Code 51421, Data Processing Services ($18.0M). If there are not adequate 8(a) companies with the required capabilities, this requirement will be solicited as a small business set aside. Approximately 40 Man Year Equivalents are required to perform this effort. Eighty Percent (80%) of personnel shall be cleared at the SECRET level at contract initiation. Firms desiring consideration must fully identify its capability to perform this requirement addressing all fourteen (14) alpha numeric requirements (1(a) through (h) and 2 (a) through (f)) in this announcement. Capability information shall be submitted to Ms. Cindy Sanders, contract Specialist, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, 7100 Defense Pentagon (BMDO/CTI), Washington, DC 20301-7100, telephone (703) 695-9211 or e-mail to csanders@bmdo.osd.mil not later than close of business 8 Jun 01. *****
Loren Data Corp. 20010529/RSOL008.HTM (W-144 SN50N081)

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Created on May 24, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com