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Notice Date
May 30, 2001
Contracting Office
ESC/BC, 275 Randolph Rd., Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2818
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The Paul Revere Chapter of the Air Force Association with the assistance of Air Force Materiel Command's Electronic Systems Center (ESC), will sponsor and host a Command and Control (C2) Summit to address "Integrating Air Force C2 Capabilities by 2005". All activities associated with the C2 Summit will be held at the Sheraton Ferncroft Resort in Danvers, MA on October 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2001. The agenda will focus on the issues and processes necessary to effectively integrate C2 capabilities for the warfighter. Confirmed keynote speakers include General Ralph Eberhart, CINC, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Space Command; General John Jumper, Commander, Air Combat Command; General Lester Lyles, Commander, AF Materiel Command; Lt General John Woodward, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Information; Lt General Leslie Kenne, Commander, Electronic Systems Center and Maj Gen Gerald Perryman, Commander, Aerospace Command and Control and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center. The summit will also feature panel reports from several different panel chairmen on important C2 topics. These panels are their respective chairmen are: Enabling C2 for Global Strike-Brig Gen Trey Obering, SAF/AQ; Joint Synthetic Battlespace-Brig Gen James Morehouse, HQ USAF/XO; C2 Infrastructure -- Mr. John Gilligan, SAF/AQ; Technologies to Support the C2 Enterprise-Dr. Louis Metzger, HQ USAF/ST; and An Industry Perspective-General (ret) Tom Moorman, Vice President, Booz, Allen & Hamilton. The cost is $375 for Industry and $250 for military/government. AFA members will be entitled to a 10% discount. This includes all summit proceedings plus a welcoming reception on October 1st, continental breakfasts on October 2nd and 3rd, and lunch and a dinner on October 2nd. Industry members will also have the opportunity to exhibit C2 capabilities/products on-site at the Ferncroft resort, collocated with the C2 Summit proceedings. The cost for a display booth (8'x 10') is $1400, which includes one reservation for the summit itself. Limited space for desktop displays will also be available on a first-come, first-serve basis for $850. The annual Paul Revere Chapter President's Cup Golf Tournament will precede the C2 Summit on October 1st (0730 shotgun start). The tournament will be played at the former LPGA tour site at the Ferncroft Country Club in Danvers. Cost is $135 for industry ($125 if AFA member) and $120 for military/civilians ($115 if AFA member). This includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, an awards luncheon and a $10 gift certificate in the pro shop. Reservations and more detailed information on this C2 Summit can be found at the Paul Revere Chapter website http://paulrevereafa.horizons.com (click on C2 Summit). Hotel reservations are available immediately by calling the Sheraton reservation line at 1-800-325-3535 or the Ferncroft directly at 978-750-7951 and asking for a reservation with the AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION group. Rooms have been reserved at significantly reduced rates. The government rate is $109 and the non-government rate is $149. Contact Tom Wade at for additional questions at 781-272-1617 (tom.wade@trw.com).
Web Link
Chapter Website (http://paulrevereafa.horizons.com)
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Created on May 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com