Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 30, 2001
Contracting Office
U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers -- Mobile, Contracting Division, CESAM-CT (109 St. Joseph Street 36602) PO Box 2288, Mobile, AL 36628-0001
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
July 17, 2001
Point of Contact
Contact Karen Johnson, (334) 690-2535; Contracting Officer, Sue L. Speights
E-Mail Address
cesam.plansroom@sam.usace.army.mil (cesam.plansroom@sam.usace.army.mil)
In general, the work shall consist of construction services for repairs, renovations and construction, with design capabilities, primarily in support of Joint Task Force Bravo, Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras. Other US Federal Agency sponsored projects in Honduras may also be supported by specific task orders under this contract. The proposed contract will be an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract including a base year and three option years, each year with a maximum of $1.5M for a total contract value of $6M. Individual task orders under the contract will range from $80,000.00 to $1M. Two (2) contracts may be awarded on this solicitation. There will be NO pre-proposal conference held for this project. Bid documents available on or about 15 June 2001. Estimated cost of work is between $1M and $5M. For this job, a small business is defined as having average annual receipts of less than $27,500,000.00 for the past three years. (North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code is 23332). Prime contractors proposing under this solicitation must be U.S. Firms, Honduran Firms, or Joint Ventures between U.S. Firms and Honduran Firms. Bidders, subcontractors, and Dodge Plan Rooms are required to self-register their firm or office on the Internet. Registration instructions are available on the Internet at http://www.sam.usace.army.mil then click on Contract Bids. The specifications are available only via download at site, http://www.sam.usace.army.mil click on Contract Bids. No paper copies or CD-ROMs will be issued. This solicitation is in .pdf format and requires "Adobe Acrobat Reader". Adobe Acrobat Reader may be downloaded free of charge at http://tsn.wes.army.mio/ComSoftwa. Plans and specifications will not be provided in a printed paper format; however, the Government reserves the right to revert to paper medium when it is determined to be in the Government's best interest. All bid forms, bid bonds, and other normal documents required for the bid submittal, including amendments to the bid submittal, shall be in paper medium. Electronic medium for the bid submittal documents will not be allowed. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Presolicitation Notices will no longer be issued by the Mobile District for Projects in the Continental United States and Puerto Rico. Advertisement of Mobile District projects will be through the Commerce Business Daily and/or the Mobile District Contracting Homepage. Detailed information on this and other Mobile District Projects (Ordering solicitations, points of contact, synopses of work, plan holders, bid results, etc.) are available on the Internet at http://www.sam.usace.army.mil and going to "Contract Bids". Specific questions related to this project may be answered by Mr. David Newell at(334)694-4459, fax (334)690-2327. Refer questions on distribution of plans/specifications to Plans Room at 334-690-2535/2536 (Karen Johnson), fax (334)694-4343. All bid forms, bid bonds, and other normal documents required for the bid submittal, including amendments to the bid submittal, shall be in paper medium. Electronic medium for the bid submittal documents will not be allowed. "Prime contractors proposing under this solicitation must be U.S. firms, Honduran firms, or joint ventures between U.S. firms and Honduran firms." Critical Path Method (Network Analysis System)is not required. For this job, a small business is defined as having average annual receipts of less than $27,500,000 for the past three years. This solicitation includes bid options, which may not be awarded. Detailed information on this and other Mobile District Projects (Ordering Solicitations, Points of Contact, Synopsis of Work, Plan Holders, Bid Results, etc.) are available on the Internet at: http://www.sam.usace.army.mil . Specific questions related to this project may be answered by Mr. David Newell at fax 334-690-2327.
Web Link
http://www.sam.usace.army.mil (http://www.sam.usace.army.mil)
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Created on May 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com