Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 12, 2001
Contracting Office
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains Region, Montana Area Office, P.O. Box 30137, Billings, MT 59107-0137
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
June 27, 2001
Point of Contact
Terry Ryles 406-475-3310 ext.308 Monday through Thursday 7:00 AM TO 4:30 PM
E-Mail Address
TRYLES@gp.usbr.gov (TRYLES@gp.usbr.gov)
1. Contractor will furnish all labor, materials and equipment to sandblast and coat stoplogs for draft tubes at Canyon Ferry Dam Located approximately 20 miles west northwest of Helena Montana. 2. The paint that will be removed is lead based. Contractor will Provide adequate containment to capture airborne dust silica or blast grit and removed paint. The grit and paint will be properly landfilled according to Montana State Regulations. 3. The contractor will be responsible for handling the gates while they are being blasted and coated. 4. The gates will be entirely clean blasted prior to the application of coating. The specifications for surface preparation are outlined by the coating manufacturer. 5. The stoplogs will be coated as soon as practical after proper surface preparation has occurred. The coating applied shall be a wasser MC product of equivalent, applied per manufacuters instructions. Adequate time shall lapse between coats to allow the coating to cure. 6. All rivets and bolt heads shall be hand brushed with the coating. 7. The coating shall meet the standard pulltests (1000psi) when properly cured. 8. After completing the coating the contractor will clean the area used and dispose of any wate in the manner approved by the state of Montana. 9. The Bureau has placed the gates in a location downstream of the powerplant suitable for the contractor to carry out the work. If the contractor chooses , they may remove the stoplogs to a site of their choosing to carry out the work. The Bureau will not be responsible to supply power or to transport the stoplogs to or from the alternate site. 10. Upon completion of the work the stoplogs will be delivered to the location they were placed by the bureau. 11. Work shall be completed no later than August 30, 2001. 12. For further information and specifications contact Terry Ryles at 406-475-3310 extention 308 Monday through thursday 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Web Link
none (none)
Loren Data Corp. 20010614/JSOL008.HTM (W-163 SN50O6S3)

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Created on June 12, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com