Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 14, 2001
Contracting Office
U.S. Geological Survey, Branch Of Acquisition and Federal Assistance, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225-0046
ZIP Code
Response Due
July 29, 2001
Point of Contact
Marilyn Hutchison, (303) 236-9321 or FAX (303) 236-2710
E-Mail Address
USGS, Central Region, Branch of Acquisition and Grants (mhutchi@usgs.gov)
Concerns having the ability to furnish the supplies described herein are requested to give written notification (including the telephone number for a point of contact) to the procuring office above within 45 calendar days from the date of this synopsis. The U.S. Geological Survey, Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico, has a requirement for eleven (11) Kinemetrics Triaxial Force Balancc Accelerometers. The Triaxial Force Balance Accelerometer is required in order to be compatible with the accelerometers currently deployed in the 85 stations of the GSN/IRIS seismograph network. The accelerometer must meet the following specifications: Full Scale Range: 2.0 g Natural Frequency: 50 Hz Normal Damping: 70% critical Output Full Scale: + 2.5 V into 10,000 ohms Zero Offset: Less than 25 mV Cross-axis Sensitivity: Less than .03 g/g Linearity: Less than 1% of full scale Noise: From 0 to 50 Hz, less than +2.5 V Dynamic Range: 135 dB from 0.01 to 50Hz 145 dB from 0.01 to 20Hz Using 2-channel coherence method Power: 12 Vdc, 2.5 mA per axis Calibration: Electrical commands can be applied to produce damping and natural frequency outputs Turn-on Time: Operational within 0.1 seconds after power is applied Operating Temperature: -20 degrees to 70 degrees C (0 degrees to 160 degrees F) Temperature Effects (zero drift and sensitivity change): Less than 2% of full scale Must have watertight enclosure. Based on information available at this time, and in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 253(c)(1), implemented by FAR 6.302-1, the Government considers the item specified as a sole source from Kinemetrics, Inc., Pasadena. California, and proposes to negotiate a contract with that firm on that basis. However, should additional sources be identified, they will be considered. Firms who feel that they can furnish the required supplies and services are invited to submit in writing an affirmative response to this announcement, and such other materials which correspond to the required items stated herein. This information will be evaluated and used to determine if competitive opportunities exist. Since no solicitation document exists, requests for such documents without accompanying information will be considered non-responsive to this request without further consideration. This notice may represent the Governments only official notice of this procurement. See Note 22.
Loren Data Corp. 20010618/66SOL007.HTM (W-165 SN50O9T2)

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Created on June 14, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com