Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 14, 2001
Contracting Office
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Contracts and Property Management, Mail Stop T-7-I-2, Washington, D.C. 20555
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
July 6, 2001
Point of Contact
Yvette Brown, Contract Specialist, 301-415-6507
This solicitation contains the attachments referenced in ASL-01-309. ATTACHMENT 1-CONTRACT LINE ITEMS AND SCHEDULE -- BASE YEAR -- CLIN 001 SERVICES -- REGULAR HOURS -- Furnish the reporter and typed original/duplicated copies -- a. 7 work day original, est. qty. 47000 pages, unit price, total price; 7 work day copy, est. qty. 40000 pages, unit price, total price; b. 3 work day original, est. qty. 14500 pages, unit price, total price; 3 work day copy, est. qty. 23500 pages, unit price, total price; c. daily original, est. qty. 7000, unit price, total price; daily copy, est. qty. 35000 pages, unit price, total price. CLIN 002 SERVICES -- NON-REGULAR HOURS -- Furnish the reporter and typed original/duplicated copies -- a. 7 work day original, est. qty. 2500 pages, unit price, total price; 7 work day copy, est. qty. 2500 pages, unit price, total price; 3 work day original, est. qty. 1000 pages, unit price, total price; 3 work day copy, est. qty. 2000 pages, unit price, total price; daily original, est. qty. 2000 pages, unit price, total price; daily copy, est. qty. 6000 pages, unit price, total price. CLIN 003 VIDEO/CASSETTE TAPES -- (NRC Supplied) Furnish typed original and duplicated copies of record a. 7 work day original, est. qty. 8000 pages, unit price, total price, 7 work day copy, est. qty. 8000 pages, 3 work original, est. qty. 8000 pages, unit price, total price, 3 work day copy, est. qty. 8000 pages, unit price, total price; 1 work day original, est. qty. 8000 pages, unit price, total price; 1 work day copy, est. qty. 8000 pages, unit price, total price. CLIN 004 REALTIME REPORTING a. 7 work day original, est. qty. 5500 pages, unit price, total price; 7 work day copy, est. qty. 5500 pages, unit price, total price; b. 3 work day original, est. qty. 5500 pages, unit price, total price; 3 work day copy, est. qty. 5500 pages, unit price, total price; c. same day original, est. qty. 5500 pages, unit price, total price; same day copy, est. qty. 5500 pages, unit price, total price. TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR BASE YEAR. The same schedule shall be duplicated for each of the two option years. TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR BASE YEAR PLUS OPTION YEARS 1 AND 2. ATTACHMENT 2-DEFINITIONS -- 1. Consecutive hearing days: Days in which hearings take place which are separated only by Saturdays, Sundays, or Federal holidays. 2. Non-consecutive hearing days: Days in which hearings or meetings take place which are separated by days other than Saturdays, Sundays, or Federal holidays. 3. Duplicated: Shall include duplication by various processes including photocopy, multiple computer printout, disk copy, video and audio tape, etc. 4. Headquarters: Commission offices located at 11545 and 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. 5. Hearings: May include, but are not limited to, any and all types of proceedings conducted by the NRC, whether open to the public or closed. For example, hearings include adjudicatory proceedings, investigative interviews, industry conferences, committee meetings, multiple-party telephone conferences, press briefing conferences, proceedings for the taking of depositions related to hearings on regulatory matters, grievance hearings, and any proceedings deemed necessary by the Commission. 6. Presiding Officer: Unless some other person is so designated in the work order, the Presiding Officer means the person who presides, chairs, regulates or controls the event which is being reported. 7. Non-Regular Hours: Those hours worked after 6:00 p.m. on a given day through 8:30 a.m. the following day (local time at the place of proceeding) Monday through Friday; they include all hours on Federal holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays. 8. Regular Hours: Those hours between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (local time at the place of proceeding) Monday through Friday, excluding legal Federal holidays. 9. Session: A reporting unit or part of a hearing or meeting for which a transcript is required. 10. Verbatim Reporting: The reporting of verbatim spoken words recorded by the reporter at hearings by means of notes, stenomask, directly recorded dictation or monitored direct recording, and the typed reproduction thereof. 11. Subcontract: Any agreement (other than one involving an employer/employee relationship) entered into by a Federal Government prime contractor or subcontractor calling for supplies or services required for performance of the original contract or subcontract. ATTACHMENT 3-REDUCTION SCHEDULE -- If the contractor fails to make delivery within the times required, fails to furnish transcripts or other services in accordance with the provisions of the contract, or fails to correct promptly upon notice, material deemed by the Project Officer to be illegible or defective, payment and damages will be as follows: (a) If 1-day delivery is not delivered by 10:30 a.m. on the next business day after each daily recess of the proceeding, including the final day of the proceeding, payment will be made at the 1-day rate less 10 percent per day, to a maximum reduction of 50 percent of the 1-day rate for each page, as applicable; (b) If 3-day delivery is not delivered by 10:30 a.m. on the third business day after each daily recess of the proceeding, including the final day of the proceeding, payment will be made at the 3-day rate less 10 percent per day, to a maximum reduction of 50 percent of the 3-day rate for each page, as applicable; (c) If 7-day delivery is not delivered by 10:30 a.m. on the seventh business day after each daily recess of the proceeding, including the final day of the proceeding, payment will be made at the 7-day rate less 10 percent per day, to a maximum reduction of 50 percent of the 7-day rate for each page, as applicable; (d) If a transcript is rejected, the price shall be computed at the applicable rate less 10 percent, but which does not relieve Contractor of the requirement to deliver the corrected transcripts within 3 days of the modification. (e) If an acceptable corrected rejected transcript is not returned within the 3 days, the price shall be computed at the applicable rate set forth above less an additional 10 percent accruing on a per day basis to a maximum reduction of 75 percent. (f) If the Contractor fails to deliver or perform the services within the time specified in this contract, or any extension, the Contractor shall, following the price reductions set forth herein, pay to the Government as fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages, for each business day of delay the sum of $1.42 per page. (g) Alternatively, if delivery or performance is so delayed, the NRC may terminate this contract in whole or in part under the Default-Fixed-Price Supply and Service clause in this contract and in that event, the Contractor shall be liable for fixed, agreed, and liquidated damages accruing until the time the NRC may reasonably obtain delivery or performance of similar supplies or services. The liquidated damages shall be in addition to excess costs under the Termination clause. (h) The Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages when the delay in delivery or performance arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor as defined in the Default-Fixed-Price Supply and Service clause in this contract. ATTACHMENT 4 -- SEAT BELTS -- Contractors, subcontractors, and grantees are encouraged to adopt and enforce on-the-job seat belt policies and programs for their employees when operating company-owned, rented, or personally owned vehicles. PACKAGING AND MARKING The Contractor shall package material for shipment to the NRC in such a manner that will ensure acceptance by common carrier and safe delivery at destination. Containers and closures shall comply with the Interstate Commerce Commission Regulations, Uniform Freight Classification Rules, or regulations of other carriers as applicable to the mode of transportation. On the front of the package, the Contractor shall clearly identify the contract number under which the product is being provided. COMPUTER FLOPPY DISKETTE OF HEARINGS AND INDEXING OF TRANSCRIPTS -- When required by the NRC, the Contractor shall furnish computer readable PC floppy diskette of the official transcript at no cost to the NRC. This PC diskette shall have identical pagination and content of the original printed transcript and conform to the following specifications: a. Diskette shall be 3.5 inch and shall be delivered in Corel WordPerfect 8 format (subject to change as technology develops) or as required by the NRC Project Officer. b. Each diskette shall be clearly labeled to identify the transcript by title of meeting, docket number, if applicable, work order number, date and page numbers. Only one day's transcript(s) shall be placed on a diskette. c. Exhibits/inserts will not be provided on diskette, unless such is mutually agreed upon. d. Each diskette shall be created with a computer file name with the following format: -- The first two characters shall be the date of the first two characters of the case name, i.e., Private Fuel Storage -- PF. -- The next six characters shall be the date of the proceeding in the YYMMDD format followed by default software extension (i.e., WordPerfect wpd). e. If the official printed transcript is not created from the diskette, the production of the diskette from the printed copy must include appropriate key verification, proofreading, editing, and/or updating to assure 100% text equivalency on a page-by-page line-by-line basis. f. The delivery requirement for diskettes will be indicated on work orders issued hereunder and shall be delivered with the paper transcript. g. Indexing of transcripts -- When required by the Commission, the Contractor shall provide an indexed transcript similar to the features of Minuscript or Xmax software. BILLING INSTRUCTIONS FOR -- FIXED PRICE CONTRACTS General: The contractor shall prepare vouchers or invoices as prescribed herein. FAILURE TO SUBMIT VOUCHERS/INVOICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE VOUCHER/INVOICES AS IMPROPER. Form: Claims shall be submitted on the payee's letterhead, voucher/invoices, or on the Government's Standard Form 1034, "Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal," and Standard Form 1035, "Public Voucher for Purchases Other than Personal -- Continuation Sheet." These forms are available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, 710 North Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20401. Number of Copies: An original and three copies shall be submitted. Failure to submit all the required copies will result in rejection of the voucher/invoice as improper. Designated Agency Billing Office: Vouchers/Invoices shall be submitted to the following address: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Contracts and Property Management- T-7I2, Washington, DC 20555-0001, A copy of any invoice which includes a purchase of property valued at the time of purchase at $5000 or more, shall additionally be sent to: Chief, Property Management Branch, Division of Facilities and Property Management, Mail Stop -- T-7D27, Washington, DC 20555-0001, HAND-DELIVERY OF VOUCHERS/INVOICES IS DISCOURAGED AND WILL NOT EXPEDITE PROCESSING BY THE NRC. However, should you choose to deliver vouchers/invoices by hand, including delivery by any express mail service or special delivery service which uses a courier or other person to deliver the vouchers/invoices in person to the NRC, such vouchers/invoices must be addressed to the above Designated Agency Billing Office and will only be accepted at the following location: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, One White Flint North -- Mail Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852. HAND-CARRIED SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT OTHER THAN THE ABOVE ADDRESS. Note that the official receipt date for hand-delivered vouchers/invoices will be the date it is received by the official agency billing office in the Division of Contracts and Property Management. Agency Payment Office: Payment will continue to be made by the office designated in the contract in Block 12 of the Standard Form 26 or Block 25 of the Standard Form 33, whichever is applicable. Frequency: The contractor shall submit a voucher or invoice only after the NRC's final acceptance of services rendered or products delivered in performance of the contract unless otherwise specified in the contract. Preparation and Itemization of the Voucher/Invoice: The voucher/invoice shall be prepared in ink or by typewriter (without strike-overs). Corrections or erasures must be initialed. To be considered a proper voucher/invoice, all of the following elements must be included: 1. Contract number. 2. Sequential voucher/invoice number. 3. Date of voucher/invoice. 4. Payee's name and address. (Show the name of the contractor and its correct address. In addition, when an assignment of funds has been made by the contractor, or a different payee has been designated, include the name and address of the payee). Indicate the name and telephone number of the individual responsible for answering questions which the NRC may have regarding the voucher/invoice. 5. Provide work order numbers, a description of articles or services, quantity, unit price, and amount per work order and total amount of invoice. 6. For contractor acquired property list each item purchased costing $50,000 or more and having a life expectancy of more than 1 year and provide: (1) an item description, (2) manufacturer, (3) model number, (4) serial number, (5) acquisition cost, (6) date of purchase, and (7) a copy of the purchasing document. 7. Weight and zone of shipment, if shipped by parcel post. 8. Charges for freight or express shipments. Attach prepaid bill if shipped by freight or express. 9. Instructions to consignee to notify the Contracting Officer of receipt of shipment. 10. For Indefinite Delivery contracts or contracts under which progress payments are authorized, the final voucher/invoice shall be marked "FINAL VOUCHER" OR "FINAL INVOICE." Currency: Billings may be expressed in the currency normally used by the contractor in maintaining his accounting records and payments will be made in that currency. However, the U.S. dollar equivalent for all vouchers/invoices paid under the contract may not exceed the total U.S. dollars authorized in the contract. Supersession: These instructions supersede any previous billing instructions. FOREIGN OWNERSHIP, CONTROL, OR INFLUENCE OVER CONTRACTOR -- (a) For purposes of this clause, a foreign interest is defined as any of the following: (1) A foreign government or foreign government agency; (2) Any form of business enterprise organized under the laws of any country other than the United States or its possessions; (3) Any form of business enterprise organized or incorporated under the laws of the U.S., or a State or other jurisdiction within the U.S., which is owned, controlled, or influenced by a foreign government, agency, firm, corporation or person; or (4) Any person who is not a U.S. citizen. (b) Foreign ownership, control, or influence (FOCI) may be present where the degree of ownership, control, or influence over a contractor by a foreign interest is such that a reasonable basis exists for concluding that the compromise or unauthorized disclosure of classified information may occur. (c) For purposes of this clause, subcontractor means any subcontractor at any tier and the term "contracting officer" shall mean NRC contracting officer. When this clause is included in a subcontract, the term "contractor" shall mean subcontractor and the term "contract" shall mean subcontract. (d) The contractor shall immediately provide the contracting officer written notice of any changes in the extent and nature of FOCI over the contractor which would affect the answers to the questions presented in DD Form 441S, "Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interest". Further, notice of changes in ownership or control which are required to be reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, or the Department of Justice shall also be furnished concurrently to the contracting officer. (e) In those cases where a contractor has changes involving FOCI, the NRC must determine whether the changes will pose an undue risk to the common defense and security. In making this determination, the contracting officer shall consider proposals made by the contractor to avoid or mitigate foreign influences. (f) The contractor agrees to insert terms that conform substantially to the language of this clause including this paragraph (g) in all subcontracts under this contract that will require access to classified information. Additionally, the contractor shall require such subcontractors to submit completed information required on the DD Form 441 form prior to award of a subcontract. Information to be provided by a subcontractor pursuant to this clause may be submitted directly to the contracting officer. (g) Information submitted by the contractor or any affected subcontractor as required pursuant to this clause shall be treated by NRC to the extent permitted by law, as business or financial information submitted in confidence to be used solely for purposes of evaluating FOCI. (h) The requirements of this clause are in addition to the requirement that a contractor obtain and retain the security clearances required by the contract. This clause shall not operate as a limitation on NRC's rights, including its rights to terminate this contract. (i) The contracting officer may terminate this contract for default either if the contractor fails to meet obligations imposed by this clause, e.g., provide the information required by this clause, comply with the contracting officer's instructions about safeguarding classified information, or make this clause applicable to subcontractors, or if, in the contracting officer's judgment, the contractor creates a FOCI situation in order to avoid performance or a termination for default. The contracting officer may terminate this contract for convenience if the contractor becomes subject to FOCI and for reasons other than avoidance of performance of the contract, cannot, or chooses not to, avoid or mitigate the FOCI problem. NOTICE TO OFFERORS-CERTIFICATE PERTAINING TO FOREIGN INTERESTS a. All offerors are hereby notified that the NRC contemplates an award involving access to classified information in accordance with the clause entitled "Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence over Contractor (FOCI)". Award will not be made unless the NRC's Division of Facilities and Security (DFS) makes an affirmative FOCI determination for the apparent successful offeror. Where there is insufficient lead time between selection and contract award to allow a pre-award FOCI determination, the NRC may award a contract. However, the contractor may not access classified information until such time as the contracting officer provides written notification that an affirmative FOCI determination has been completed and access is permitted. The NRC reserves the right to cancel the award at no cost to the Government if the contractor fails to obtain the required FOCI approval within 30 calendar days after contract award. b. Only the apparent successful offeror shall be required to submit the information required in the "Certificate Pertaining to Foreign Interests" (Certificate). Such submittal shall be made by the date stated in the NRC Contracting Officer's written request prior to award. c. Where an apparent successful offeror is a contractor not possessing a current (within five years from the date of this offer) affirmative FOCI determination, the NRC Contracting Officer shall provide the apparent successful offeror with current guidelines for completing the FOCI information required in the Certificate and a format for listing the contractor's officers and directors. d. If an apparent successful offeror
Loren Data Corp. 20010618/RSOL014.HTM (W-165 SN50O9X3)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on June 14, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com