Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 18, 2001
Contracting Office
Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division (HPA-16), 555 Zang St., Room 259, Lakewood, CO 80228
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
CO PFH 59-1(3)
Response Due
August 2, 2001
Point of Contact
A&D Draft Aid (303) 573-5757 FAX (303) 573-8714
E-Mail Address
Requests for plans and specs (office@addraftaid.com)
This project will consist of retaining walls, grading, drainage and asphalt surfacing on 9.582 km of roadway for Taylor River Road -- CO PFH 59-1(3), in Gunnison National Forest, Gunnison County, State of Colorado. Estimated price range is between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000. Principal work items include: surveying and staking (various); lump sum contractor testing; 8,800 m silt fence; 16,000 m3 watering for dust control; 11 hectare clearing and grubbing; 69,500 m3 roadway excavation; 3,900 m3 subexcavation; 1,325 m3 select borrow; 1,290 m3 riprap (various); 400 m2 rockery wall; 1,500 m2 MSE wall, welded wire face; 59,750 m2 roadway aggregate, method 2, recycled asphalt pavement; 1,270 metric tons asphalt cement grade; 19,500 metric tons superpave asphalt concrete pavement; 590 m2 temporary shoring; 1,265 m pipe culvert (various); 540 m guardrail (various); 12,100 m3 placing manufactured topsoil; 28,800 m2 erosion control mat; 10,000 hours flagger; fencing; cattle guards; metal gates; heavy equipment operators (various); seeding; mulching; signing; pavement markings; and traffic control. PLANS AND SPECS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN BOTH CD-ROM AND PAPER VERSIONS. All bid forms, bid bonds, and other documents required for the bid submittal shall be submitted to FHWA in paper format. Electronic format for the bid submittal documents will not be allowed. Amendments to this solicitation will be issued in paper format to all plan holders and will be posted on the website listed in line 18 of this submittal. FOR PRICING INFORMATION ON PLANS AND SPECS OR TO ORDER PLANS AND SPECS, PLEASE SEND E-MAIL TO A&D DRAFT-AID AT THE ADDRESS LISTED IN LINE 20 BELOW OR CALL A&D AT (303) 573-5757. FOR QUESTIONS CONCERNING PROJECT INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (303) 716-2015. The Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), has programs to assist minority, women-owned and disadvantaged business enterprises to acquire short-term working capital and bonding assistance for transportation-related contracts. This is applicable to any eligible prime or subcontractor at any tier. The DOT Bonding Assistance Program enables firms to apply for bid, performance and payment bonds up to $1.0 million per contract. The DOT provides an 80% guaranty on the bond amount to a surety against losses. Loans are also available under the DOT Short Term Lending Program (STLP) at prime interest rates to provide accounts receivable financing. The maximum line of credit is $500,000. For further information and applicable forms concerning the Bonding Assistance Program and/or the STLP, please call (800) 532-1169. Internet address: http://osdbuweb.dot.gov.
Web Link
Information regarding solicitation opportunities (www.cflhd.gov/edi/pna/index.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010620/YSOL011.HTM (W-169 SN50P2M0)

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Created on June 18, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com