Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 19, 2001
Contracting Office
GSA, PBS, Property Development (5PC), 230 South Dearborn Street, Room 3516, Chicago, IL 60604-1696
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
July 9, 2001
Point of Contact
Bobbie Tyler, Contracting Officer, 312-886-7875
CBD ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TWO PHASE A/E SELECTION PROCESS C Architect Engineer Services Solicitation # GS05P01GBC0032 -- Springfield, IL The General Services Administration (GSA) announces an opportunity for Design Excellence in public architecture for performance of Architectural-Engineering Design for a project involving replacement of an existing dual duct HVAC system with VAV distribution, installation of perimeter heat and temperature control systems, and abatement of asbestos, in accordance with General Services Administration (GSA) quality standards and requirements. The Paul H. Findley Federal Building, 600 East Monroe Street, Springfield, Illinois, is approximately 142,886 gross square feet, including one parking space. The Estimated Construction Cost is $5 million. The scope of work will require at a minimum: metric construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates, value engineering services, computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) and post construction contract services (PCCS). This is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) of A/E Firms/Lead Designers interested in contracting of this work. The A/E firm as used in this RFQ is an association, joint venture partnership or other entity that will have contractual responsibility for the project design. The Lead Designer is the individual or design studio that will have primary responsibility to conceive the design concept and the building's architecture. The A/E Firm must address the contractual relationship with the Lead Designer and its ability to manage the design and production of construction. The government will not allow payment for travel, living expense, computer time or hookups for the prime or the consultants. The A/E selection will be completed in two stages as follows: In Stage I, interested firms will submit portfolios of accomplishment that establish the design capabilities of the A/E Firm and its Lead Designer. All documentation will be in an 8 1/2" x 11" format. The portfolio should include the following: a cover letter referencing the CBD announcement and briefly describing the firm and its location, organizational makeup, and noteworthy accomplishments; and Standard Form 254 (Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire) and Standard Form 255 (Architect-Engineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project). Identification of consultants is not required at this stage. Submission requirements and evaluation criteria: (1) Past Performance on Design (35%): The A/E Firm will submit graphics (maximum of three pages per project) of not more than five new construction projects completed in the last ten years. The narrative (maximum of two pages per project) shall address the design approach with salient features for each project and discuss how the client's program, functional, image, mission, economic, schedule, and operational objectives were satisfied by the overall design/planning solution. Include tangible evidence where possible such as certificates, awards, peer recognition, etc., demonstrating design excellence. Provide a client reference contact for each project, including name, title, address, phone, and fax numbers. A portion of one page presented for each project must include a representative floor plan and either a site plan or a building section. (2) Philosophy and Design Intent (25%): In the Lead Designer's words, (maximum of two typewritten pages) state his/her overall design philosophy and approach to the challenge of public architecture, issues, and parameters that may apply in creating a state-of-the-art headquarters office building in an urban neighborhood environment. (3) Lead Designer Profile (15%): Submit a biographical sketch (maximum of three pages) including education, professional experience, recognition for design efforts inclusive of examples. Identify and describe areas of responsibility and commitment to each project. (4) Lead Designer Portfolio (25%): Submit a portfolio representative of the Lead Designer's ability to provide design excellence. Submit graphics (maximum of three pages per project) and a typewritten description (maximum of two pages per project) of up to three new construction projects completed in the last ten years. The narrative shall address the design philosophy with salient features for each project and discuss how the client's program, functional, image, mission, economic, schedule, and operational objectives were satisfied by the overall design/planning solution. Include tangible evidence where possible such as certificates, awards, peer recognition, etc., demonstrating design excellence. Where there is duplication with criteria (1), the Lead Designer will address his/her participation in the project. An A/E Evaluation Board consisting of representatives of the client and GSA will evaluate the submissions. The Board will establish a short-list of three to six firms. For Stage II, the short-listed firms will be notified and asked to submit more detailed information indicating each member of the design team, including all outside consultants. The firms will be required to complete Standard Forms 254 and 255 that reflect the entire design team. The Government will establish the detailed evaluation criteria and the date these submittals are due and provide the selection criteria for the interviews along with the Stage I short-list announcement. Sufficient time will be provided for the A/E Design Firm/Lead Designer to establish its team. The panel will interview each team. Candidates should be prepared to discuss all aspects of the criteria indicated above and to demonstrate their ability to fulfill all project requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the unique aspects of the project, design philosophy, possible approaches in carrying out the project, and project management. The Stage II evaluations will culminate with an interview with the A/E Evaluation Board. Stage II rankings will be used in conjunction with Stage I rankings to determine the final selection. This procurement is open to small and large business concerns in accordance with the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program. In accordance with 15 USC 631 Et. Seq., the A-E will be required to provide the maximum practical opportunities to small, small women-owned, HUBZone small businesses and small business concerns owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to participate as subcontractors in the performance of the contract. The use of subcontractors/consultants shown in the Stage II 255 and SF 254 will be reflected in a Subcontracting Plan which will be included in the contract. The detailed plan is to be submitted with the SF-255. Each individual firm will determine the minimum acceptable subcontracting target goals for this project. A small business criterion for each category is based on the contractor's average annual receipts for the proceeding three fiscal years. Contact your local SBA office for further information. Firms seeking consideration for this contract shall demonstrate a proactive effort to achieve the highest subcontracting goals possible for small business, woman-owned small business, HUBZone small business and small disadvantaged business concerns. Firms advancing to Stage II must also provide a brief written narrative of outreach efforts made to utilize small, disadvantaged, HUBZone and women-owned businesses. The narrative shall not exceed one written page. An acceptable subcontracting plan must be reviewed and approved by SBA prior to award of this contract. Small businesses are not subject to this requirement. For Stage I Submittals: Firms having the capabilities to perform the services described in this announcement are invited to respond by submitting a SF-254 (for the "A/E Design Firm"), which must be dated not more than twelve (12) months before the date of this synopsis, and a SF-255 (for the "A/E Design Firm") along with letter of interest TO: Ms. Bobbie Tyler, General Services Administration, 230 South Dearborn, Suite 3512, DPN: 35-6, Chicago, IL 60604, by 3:00 PM CST 9 JULY 2001. The following information MUST be on the outside of the sealed envelope 1) Solicitation Number/Title, 2) Due Date, 3) Closing Time. Late responses are subject to F.A.R. Provision 52.214-7. In Block 8 of the SF-254 specify only current W-2 payroll (non-contract) personnel of each firm. In Block 10 of the SF-255, the A/E Design Firm MUST respond to the FOUR (4) EVALUATION CRITERIA stated in the CBD announcement for this STAGE I Solicitation. In Block 11 of the SF-255, the A/E Design Firm MUST sign, name, title and date the submittal. Contract will be procured under the Brooks Act and F.A.R. 36. This is not a Request for Proposal.
Loren Data Corp. 20010621/CSOL005.HTM (W-170 SN50P482)

C - Architect and Engineering Services - Construction Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on June 19, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com