Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 25, 2001
Contracting Office
NASA/Langley Research Center, Mail Stop 144, Industry Assistance Office, Hampton, VA 23681-0001
ZIP Code
Response Due
July 9, 2001
Point of Contact
Richard J. Siebels, Contracting Officer, Phone (757) 864-2418, Fax (757) 864-6131, Email R.J.SIEBELS@larc.nasa.gov -- Mary Jane Yeager, Contracting Officer, Phone (757) 864-2473, Fax (757) 864-7709, Email M.J.YEAGER@larc.nasa.gov
E-Mail Address
Richard J. Siebels (R.J.SIEBELS@larc.nasa.gov)
NASA Langley Research Center is soliciting information for potential sources for a new technology, low power space qualified computer to provide the on-board computing for the Geo-synchronous Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (GIFTS) instrument. The GIFTS mission is a joint enterprise between NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), the Office of Naval Research, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Space Dynamics Lab (SDL), the University of Wisconsin (UW), technology providers, and other partners. This GIFTS Space Flight Computer (SFC) technology will be validated in space to provide benefits to future Earth and space science missions. The GIFTS SFC shall contain new processor technology and at least 2MB EEPROM, 128 KB startup error corrected PROM, 64MB of synchronous DRAM, and 4MB SRAM. The board shall communicate with the spacecraft and various peripherals via a Mil-std 1553 interface with on board transformers, a PCI interface with the SFC acting as the bus master, 4 RS-422 interfaces with on-board drivers, and a JTAG interface for testing purposes. One of the primary goals of this synopsis is to assist the Center in determining whether an 8(a) or Hubzone Set-aside is an acceptable strategy for this procurement. All qualified firms are encouraged to respond. For this procurement a firm-fixed price contract is anticipated under the North American Industry Classification (NAICS) Code 541710 and size standard of 1,500 employees . Firms having the required capabilities should submit information documenting their ability to meet the technical specifications set forth above and also information on past experience in providing similar products as described above. In addition, please include the following: name and address of your firm; teaming arrangements, if any; size of business (number of employees); whether your firm is large, small, small disadvantaged, 8(a), small woman-owned, and/or a HUBzone small business. Responses are due by July 9 ,2001 to Richard Siebels, NASA LaRC Hampton, VA 23681-2199 Mail Stop 126 or to the email address below. Responses should be limited to no more than 3 pages. Please advise if the requirement is considered to be a commercial or commercial-type product. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government nor will the Government pay for information solicited. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation. Respondents deemed fully qualified will be considered in any resultant solicitation for the requirement. The Government reserves the right to consider a small business or 8(a) set-aside based on responses hereto. Technical questions should be directed to Shelley Stover at 757-864-5887 or email: s.k.stover@larc.nasa.gov. Procurement related questions should be directed to Richard Siebels at 757-864-2418 or email: r.j.siebels@larc.nasa.gov.
Web Link
Click here for the latest information about this notice (http://nais.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/EPS/bizops.cgi?gr=D&pin=23#SS-LARC-047-1)
Loren Data Corp. 20010627/ASOL008.HTM (D-176 SN50P9K8)

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Created on June 25, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com