Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 29, 2001
Contracting Office
US EPA Region 8, Attn: 8TMS-G(Simplified Acquisitions), 999 18th Street, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202-2466
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
July 13, 2001
Point of Contact
Maureen Martin (303)312-7089/Maureen Kiley (303)312-6262
E-Mail Address
contracting officer or project officer (martin.maureen@epa.gov or kiley.maureen@epa.gov)
Request for Quotations The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII Office, is soliciting quotations from individuals and companies that may have the qualifications to prepare and teach four six-hour classes on the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (40 CFR part 141) to Wyoming public water system operators. If you would like to review the Statement of Work, please contact Maureen Kiely at the following e-mail address: Kiely.Maureen@epa.gov If you are interested in submitting a quotation, please be sure to include the following: (1) A statement of qualifications which should be brief, but should include the resumes of the staff who would be completing the SOW tasks, and a list of references. (2) The fully-loaded hourly rate(s) of the staff person(s) who would do the work. Under this contract, billing will be done as hourly rates plus expenses. All indirect costs and administrative costs must be folded into the hourly rate. Expenses are limited to those incurred while preparing and teaching the classes. The full package should be no more than 10 pages in length. Please submit this information to Maureen Martin at the address listed below. U. S. EPA, Region VIII (8TMS-G) 999 18th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202-2466 Quotations may be faxed to (303)312-6339 or (303)312-6363; or emailed to: martin.maureen@epa.gov The deadline for submittal is 4:00 p.m., MST Friday, July 13, 2001. Awards will be made based on best value. To determine best value, EPA will evaluate the quotations using the following criteria: (1) Previous experience in preparing and providing training on water regulations (2) Familiarity with the national primary drinking water regulations (40 CFR Part 141) (3) Familiarity with the structure and operation of public water systems (4) The proposed hourly rate It is possible that more than one award may be made from this Request for Quotations. If this occurs, development of the course modules will be divided among the selected contractors. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact Maureen Kiely, Drinking Water Program, at (303) 312-6262. Request for Price Quotes: Hourly Rate plus Expenses STATEMENT OF WORK Training for Wyoming PWS Operators Purpose The purpose of this contract is to provide four six-hour training courses on certain EPA drinking water regulations. The intended audience is Wyoming public water system operators. Background The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (40 CFR Part 141) require all public water systems (PWSs) to routinely monitor for bacterial and chemical contaminants, and to meet certain treatment technique requirements. The Wyoming PWS regulatory program is implemented by the U. S. EPA Region VIII office in Denver, CO. EPA Region VIII has set a goal to maximize Wyoming PWS compliance with the drinking water regulations. An essential part of improving this compliance is ensuring that all Wyoming public water system operators are well-informed about all the drinking water monitoring requirements. For this reason, EPA intends to sponsor four six-hour training classes, each one in a different location throughout the state. Each training class will focus on the following drinking water topics: (1) Total coliform rule; (2) Revised public notice rule; (3) Revised lead and copper rule; (4) Revised radionuclides rule; (5) Disinfection byproducts rule; and (6) Chemical monitoring waivers and source water assessments. The course outline will be reviewed by the Operator Certification officer at the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, to ensure that PWS operators will be able to receive credits toward their certification if they take this class. Responsibilities The contractor will be responsible for coordinating the logistics, and for conducting four six-hour classes on the specified topics. Each class will be held in a different quadrant of Wyoming; for instance, Cheyenne, Gillette, Rock Springs, and Jackson (these may not be the exact locations, however). The dates of these classes must not conflict with the dates of other WY PWS operator training being offered in the state. Each class will be attended by about 25 students, at no charge to them. For each class, students will be given an evaluation form. Completed forms must be given to EPA Region VIII. The contractor will be responsible for: Finding a location for each class, and for paying any room rental fees. Preparing the training materials, such as slides and overheads (much of these can be taken from slides and overheads that have already been prepared by EPA Region VIII or by the EPA Drinking Water Academy) Compiling student notebooks or handouts Teaching the four classes, and distributing the class evaluation forms Collecting the completed class evaluation forms and sending them to the Work Assignment Manager for this contract EPA Region VIII will be responsible for: Advertising the four classes to Wyoming PWS operators throughout the state Providing the contractor with draft outlines for each class topic Providing the contractor with materials training materials that have already been prepared on some of these class topics Reviewing and approving all course materials prepared by the contractor Preparing the class evaluation form Scope of Work This contract will consist of five tasks: (1) Kickoff meeting or conference call with the Work Assignment Manager: (2) Identifying class locations; (3) Preparing class training materials; (4) Conducting the four classes at the agreed-upon locations; and (5) Sending class evaluation forms to Work Assignment Manager. Task 1: Hold Kickoff meeting: Upon award of the contract, the Work Assignment Manager (WAM) and the contractor will meet (or, hold a conference call), to discuss how tasks 2 through 5 should be completed. The contractor and the WAM will agree on possible locations for each of the four training classes. Written Products: None Task 2: Identify and Reserve Locations for each Class The contractor will research possible classroom space for each of the four classes. Some possibilities might include local universities, public libraries, or hotels with reasonably-priced meeting rooms for rent. The contractor will sign the rental agreement for each space, and will pay for any room rental and audiovisual equipment fees through this contract. (This contract my not be used to pay for any food or beverages for the students.) Written Products: The contractor will provide the WAM with a copy of all four of the classroom rental agreements. Task 3: Prepare Class Training Materials Using the background materials from EPA Region VIII (which will include an outline for each training module) and the EPA Drinking Water Academy, the contractor will prepare: (a) The slides needed to teach each training module; and (b) The student handouts for each module. At least three weeks before the first training session, the contractor will send the WAM a full set of draft materials for EPA review. Written Products: Draft course materials Task 4: Conduct the Four Classes The contractor will teach the four classes in the agreed-upon locations, using the materials that have been reviewed by EPA Region VIII. The names, addresses, phone numbers and affiliations of each student must be collected on a sign-in sheet. Before the end of each class, the contractor will distribute the class evaluation forms. Written Products: None Task 5: Class Evaluation Forms The contractor will collect the completed evaluation forms and the sign-in sheets, and mail these to the WAM. Written Products: Completed forms, sign-in sheets Duration of contract The contract will be in place from the award date until September 30, 2002. Billing The contractor will submit monthly invoices to EPA, which lists the number of hours and itemized list of expenses. Allowable expenses on this contract include (but might not be limited to) room rental fees, audiovisual equipment rental fees, photocopying, postage, long distance phone calls, travel, and per diem. All travel and per diem charges must be made at the same rates as those allowed EPA personnel.
Loren Data Corp. 20010703/USOL001.HTM (W-180 SN50Q512)

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Created on June 29, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com