Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
July 3, 2001
Contracting Office
Naval Air Warfare Center TSD, Code 257, 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando FL 32826-3275
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contract specialist via (hintonrh@navair.navy.mil)
This Special Notice is being issued to clarify the services being solicited under the Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division (NAWCTSD) Engineering and Technical Services and Special Studies and Analysis OMB Circular A-76 Commercial Activities (CA) RFP. The title of the solicitation is the title of the A-76 CA study which was determined in the beginning of the CA process at NAWCTSD in 1999. Based on numerous factors which arose during the course of the study, several of the functions and associated Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) initially identified were removed from the study (i.e., Program Support and Technical Manual Acquisition). While the effort being solicited was modified to reflect removal of the functions, the title of the study was not changed. The 100% Small Business Set-Aside solicitation is requesting proposals for services in three general areas: Technical libraries, Training System spare & repair parts requirements, and Training System inventory management and support. A decision was made to continue using Full Cost Comparison A-76 CA study procedures with the reduced scope from the original May 1999 announcement. To gain a complete understanding of the effort being solicited, potential offerors are encouraged to read the RFP and all attachments posted to the NAWCTSD website located at: http://www.ntsc.navy.mil/EBusiness/BusOps/BusOps.htm. Click on Open Acquisitions and RFP Notice. Any information regarding the solicitation, including any amendments, will be posted to the website. The closing date and time for the Past Performance Volume is NLT 2:00 P.M Eastern Standard Time (EST) on 18 July 2001 with the remainder of the Volumes (Technical and Price and Administrative) being due NLT 2:00 P.M. EST on 22 August 2001. Potential offerors should contact the cognizant contract specialist, Ruth Hinton, by email at: hintonrh@navair.navy.mil with any questions or concerns.
Web Link
NAWCTSD home page. RFP Notice. Click here to download (http://www.ntsc.navy.mil/EBusiness/BusOps/BusOps.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010706/SPMSC010.HTM (W-184 SN50Q801)

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Created on July 4, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com