Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 6, 2001
Contracting Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, 106 South 15th Street, Omaha, NE 68102-1618
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 20, 2001
Point of Contact
Contract Specialist -- Jan Cook (402) 221-4118
E-Mail Address
Jan M. Cook (jan.m.cook@usace.army.mil)
On or about 21 August 2001, this office will issue Invitation for Bids for the construction of Resource and Education Center, Ponca State Park, NE. Bids will be opened on or about 20 September 2001. This solicitation is restricted to SBA Nebraska District Office 8a firms only. Contractors interested in inspecting the site of the proposed work should contact Alan Kreisler, Fort Crook Area Office, US Army Corps of Engineers, PO Box 13287, Offutt AFB, NE 68113 Phone Number: (402) 293-2540. DO NOT submit requests for plans and specifications to the site visit personnel listed above. See "ordering" below. The work will include the following: (Approx. quantities) Facility is approximately 17,000 square feet. The facility is to provide interpretation of the Missouri National Recreation River and the role the river has played along the stretch of river from Ft Randall Dam to Ponca State Park. The building is designed to be compatible with the existing historic 1930's CCC period park structures utilizing existing building forms, materials, colors, and details. The building has several wings with one dedicated to multipurpose rooms supported by a small kitchen. The lobby is designed to accommodate visitor inquiries, lodging services, and gift shop. The building is designed to be flexible, will accommodate a variety of displays, and utilizes the "black box" concept for exhibit hall. The exterior walls are cement board lap siding with aluminum clad wood windows. The roof is asphalt architectural shingles. The building is framed with rustic Douglas fir glue-laminated wood arches, trusses, and beams. Standard "common" wood 2x trusses and 2 x 6 stud walls are utilized on shorter utilitarian spans. The lobby floor is porcelain tile, which appears to be limestone with carpeting throughout the administration, multi-purpose, and exhibit hall. The facility is designed with 2 large functional fireplaces and a viewing vestibule to the river. The fireplaces and stone piers are covered with cultured stone with a limestone appearance. The facility has a heat pump system for heating and cooling utilizing well water, energy recovery ventilators, and polyethylene plumbing. The electrical system features underfloor power and communications system, PA system, interior and exterior lighting/power, low voltage switching, and security system. Fire alarm and suppression systems are also provided throughout the facility. Exhibit displays and site work to be completed by separate contract. The estimated construction cost of this project is between $2,500,000 and $5,000,000. Contractor's Quality Control will be a requirement in this contract. The Contractor will be required to commence work within 10 days after notice to proceed and complete the work 360 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. Provisions will be included for liquidated damages in case of failure to complete the work in the time allowed. Performance and payment bonds will be required. The plans and specifications are available on Compact Disk (CD-ROM) and will be provided free of charge. It has been determined that the number of Compact Disks be limited to one (1) per firm. Plans and Specifications will not be provided in a printed hard copy format. Contractors may view and/or download this project from the Internet at the following Internet address: http://ebs.nwo.usace.army.mil/ebs/contract.htm Ordering of CD-ROM shall be made though the Internet address above. To register on the Omaha District website, go to the "Solicitation Registration" section of the synopsis and click on the link for "Registering". If you do not have Internet access, then you may fax your request to (402) 221-4530, faxed requests will take longer to process, causing a delay in receiving Solicitation documents. Please include the following information: 1) Name of Firm; 2) Point of Contract; 3) Mailing Address; 4) Street Address for Parcel Delivery Service; 5) Telepone and Fax Phone Numbers with Area Code (FAX numbers are mandatory to ensure the receipt of any amendments that may be faxed); 6) Level of Participation (General Contractor, Subcontractor, Supplier or Plan Room); and 7) Large Business, Small Business or Small Disadvantaaged Business. If any of the information changes during the advertisement period, submit the information via e-mail to jan.m.cook@usace.army.mil or by written request or fax. Failure to provide the above information and any changes may cause a delay in receiving CD-ROM and amendments. Questions regarding the ordering of the same should be made to: 402-221-4118. Telepone calls regarding Small Business matters should be made to: 402-221-4110. Telephone calls on contents of drawings and specifications should be made to Specification Section at: 402-221-4411.
Web Link
Omaha District Contracting Division Homepage (http://ebs.nwo.usace.army.mil/ebs/contract.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010808/YSOL013.HTM (W-218 SN50U1A3)

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Created on August 6, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com