Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 23, 2001
Contracting Office
Social Security Administration, Deputy Commissioner for Finance, Assessment and Management, Office of Acq uisition and Grants, 1710 Gwynn Oak Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21207-5279
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
August 28, 2001
Point of Contact
Vernon Cooper, Contract Specialist, Phone 410-965-9520, Fax 410-966-9310, Email vernon.cooper@ssa.gov -- Bob Austin, Contract Specialist, Phone 4109659522, Fax 4109669310, Email bob.austin@ssa.gov
The Social Security Administration (SSA) intends to negotiate a sole source simplified acquisition with the California Department of Health Services in Oakland. The contractor will provide services for the SSA/Office of the Inspector General's Cooperative Disability Investigations Project. The purpose for the project is to investig ate suspected fraud against SSA's Title II and Title XVI (Supplemental Security Income -- SSI) disability programs and other federal and state programs including Title XIX (Medicaid). The project site is in Oakland, CA. The prop osed contract is for a base year (beginning about September 30, 2001) plus 2 one-year options. In order to perfor m the full range of duties involved in this project, the contractor must have law enforcement authority (i.e. pol ice powers and arrest authority) in the Oakland, CA area. Additionally, the law enforcement agency must have acce ss to and be experienced in safeguarding confidential data such as social security numbers and other personal/pri vileged information which is not available to the public. The California Department of Health Services is the onl y organization with such qualifications known to SSA. Any organization which believes it has the relevant experie nce, personnel, facilities, systems, authority, etc. to perform the described services should submit a complete t echnical proposal only to the contracting officer at 1710 Gwynn Oak Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21207 within 5 days fr om the publication of this announcement. The government will not reimburse costs for preparation and submission o f information. The acquisition will be subject to part 12 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) regarding the acquisition of commercial items, to FAR part 13 regarding the application of special simplified procedures to commercial items and services, and to the principles of past performance as covered by FAR Part 15. This is not a request for quotation or an announcement of a forthcoming solicitation. Requests for copies of a solicitation w ill not be honored or acknowledged.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/SSA/DCFIAM/OAG/SSA-RFQ-01-0246/listing.html)
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Created on August 23, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com