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Notice Date
August 29, 2001
Contracting Office
Defense Logistics Agency, Logistics Operations, Defense Energy Support Center, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Fort Belvoir, VA, 22060-6222
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
March 27, 2002
Point of Contact
Benita Jackson, Contract Specialist, Phone 703 767-8534, Fax 703 767-8757, Email bjackson@desc.dla.mil -- Verna Velez, Contract Specilist, Phone 703 767-9403, Fax 703 767-8747, Email vvelez@desc.dla.mil
DESC: The Defense Energy Support Center (DESC), in conjunction with the U.S. Army plans to offer the privatization of the Water and Wastewater utility systems located at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Privatization is defined as the transfer of ownership and responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair, future upgrades, and future utility system replacements. As a result of this solicitation, firms(s) will be selected to assume ownership of the above-mentioned utility systems. The successful firm(s) will be required to purchase the existing systems from the Government and may be required to provide expansions to the systems to meet future needs of the Government. The resulting contract(s), if awarded, will require the Contractor(s) to furnish all facilities, labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to own, maintain and operate the utility system(s). The Contractor(s) shall manage the maintenance, repairs, replacement, etc., of the system(s) to ensure continuous, adequate, and dependable service for each Government or tenant connection within the service area. The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for funding all capital investments required to acquire, maintain and operate the utility system(s) in a safe, reliable condition and to meet the requirements listed in the contract. Real property interests will be conveyed in the form of an Easement (an example will be attached to the RFP). The utility system(s) will be conveyed via a Bill of Sale upon award of the contract. The Contractor(s) proposals and plans may become a part of the contract upon the decision to award. Past Performance information from potential offerors shall be submitted as directed in the RFP. No offeror will be denied the opportunity to submit a proposal in response to the RFP. Utility Systems being privatized are described as follows: =20 =20 Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri is a U.S. Army Installation situated approximately 160 miles southeast of Kansas City and 120 miles southwest of St. Louis. The Fort is located in Pulaski County. Currently the 3rd Training Brigade trains 16,000 soldiers annually. The U.S. Army Military Police School provides training to all branches of the military as well as government agencies and U.S. allies in areas of law enforcement. The Fort?s population today is about 27,973 with 15,161 military and training personnel, 4,703 civilians and 8,109 family members. The Fort provides services to about 52,000 persons including retirees, their dependents and active duty personnel and their dependents. Water Distribution System The water distribution system at Fort Leonard Wood consists of surface water supply, treatment, storage, wells, and piping. The water distribution system consists of 454,300 linear feet of piping, 1,547 each of building services, 666 hydrants, water intake 8.8 MGD, 6.0MGD water treatment plant, 2.25 MG ground storage tank, 3 each 0.5 MG elevated storage tanks and 14 water wells. All listed water distribution components range in age from 1941 to present. The original water distribution system dates back to the 1940?s, but improvements have been made as needed since that time. Some of the improvements include: rebuilding the intake components such as the generator, diesel drive units, pumps, and controls; and installation of a generator, high service pumps (3.5 MGD capacity), and an updated telemetry system at the water treatment plant. The Main Post of Fort Leonard Wood currently receives all of its water supply from surface water and a well owned and operated by the Fort. There are several isolated sites at Fort Leonard Wood which are served by wells and septic systems. The Fort also has a 6-inch finished water interconnection with the Town of Saint Roberts. This interconnection is used during emergencies. Raw water is furnished to the golf course for irrigation. Backup emergency generators that serve specific equipment of the water system, such as the intake station, pumps and plants, shall be conveyed as part of that particular system. Off-Installation Sites: This package includes the Lake of the Ozarks Recreation Area (LORA), located about 50 miles north northwest of the Fort. The Lake of the Ozarks Recreation area is divided into North and South areas. =20 The Lake of the Ozarks North ? waste distribution system consists of 21,990 linear feet of piping, 1 water well with capacity of 86.4KGD, 30.0 KG elevated storage tank, 9 fire hydrants, 2 yard hydrants, and 50 building services. =20 The Lake of the Ozarks South ? waste distribution system consists of 750 linear feet of piping, 6 building services, 1 water well with capacity of 28.0 KGD. Wastewater Collection System The wastewater collection system at Fort Leonard Wood consists of collection piping, lift stations and treatment facilities. The wastewater collection system consists of 362,265 linear feet of gravity and force main piping, 1,808 each of building services, and 1408 manholes, 19 lift/pump stations, and a 5.0 MGD wastewater treatment facility. All listed wastewater collection system components range in age from 1941 to present. The original system in the cantonment area was constructed in the 1940?s, and improvements have been made as needed since that time. All wastewater generated at the Fort is treated at the Fort?s 5.0 million gallon per day wastewater treatment plant. This treatment plant is an attached growth system (trickling filters) originally constructed in the 1980?s. The treatment train includes shredding, grit removal, primary clarification, trickling filters, secondary clarification, and disinfections. Treated wastewater is discharged to Dry Fork in accordance with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources? National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit. Sludge handling facilities include anaerobic digesters and sludge drying beds. Sludge is land applied in a liquid form. Backup emergency generators that serve specific equipment of the wastewater collection system, such as lift stations, shall be conveyed as part of that particular system. Off-Installation Sites: This package includes the Lake of the Ozarks Recreation Area (LORA), located about 50 miles north northwest of the Fort. The Lake of the Ozarks Recreation area is divided into North and South areas. There are also remote areas that are served by septic systems. =20 The Lake of the Ozarks North ? wastewater collection system consists of 8,807 linear feet of piping, 62 building services, 39 manholes, 1 lift/pump station, and 0.03MGD wastewater treatment facility and 10 septic systems. =20 The Lake of the Ozarks South ? wastewater collection system consists of 2,250 linear feet of piping, 2 building services, 3 manholes, 2 lift/pump stations, and a 0.0025MGD wastewater lagoon. This requirement is unrestricted. All responsible sources may submit an offer, which shall be considered. Interested sources should contact Benita Jackson at 703-767-8534 to be added to our bidder mailing list (via e-mail, see below.) A copy of the solicitation will be available after issuance on the Internet at the below listed link URL. The solicitation will be available on or about September 15, 2001. LINKURL: http://rifas06.desc.dla.mil/main/a/iscd.htm LINKDESC: <A HREF="http://rifas06.desc.dla.mil/main/a/iscd.htm">Click here to review or download the solicitation</A> when available EMAILADD: bjackson@desc.dla.mil EMAILDESC: For additional information or clarification and to be added to the bidder mailing list for Fort Leonardwood, Missouri privatization.=20
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/DLA/J3/DESC/SP0600-01-R-0126/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20010831/SSOL007.HTM (D-241 SN50W3I8)

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Created on August 29, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com