Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
September 6, 2001
Contracting Office
Engineering Field Activity, NW, NAVFACENGCOM, 19917 7th Ave NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370-7570
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Contracting Officer, Donald Myers, (360) 396-0236
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contracting officer via (myersdr@efanw.navfac.navy.mil)
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Engineering Field Activity Northwest (EFANW), in conjunction with the Commander, Navy Region Northwest, plans to offer for privatization, existing electrical distribution, water distribution, wastewater, and natural gas distribution systems at NAVSTA Bremerton, NUWC Keyport, and Naval Magazine Indian Island (Port Hadlock) in Washington State. Privatization is a process that (1) conveys a utility system or a part of a utility system under the jurisdiction of the Secretary concerned to a municipal, private, regional, district, or cooperative utility company or other entity and (2) obtains a utility service contract from the entity to whom the system is conveyed or their agents and assignees. As a result of this solicitation, a firm will be selected to assume ownership of the utility system. The successful firm will be required to purchase the existing system from the Government and may be required to provide expansions to the system to meet future needs of the Government. The successful firm may or may not be the supplier of the commodity procured by the Government. The resulting contract, if awarded, will require the Contractor to furnish all facilities, labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to own, maintain, and operate the utility system. The Contractor shall manage the upgrades, maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the system to ensure continuous, adequate, and dependable service connection within the service area in accordance with industry standards. The Contractor shall be responsible for funding all capital investments required to acquire, upgrade, maintain and operate the utility system in a safe, reliable condition and to meet the requirements listed in the contract. The utility system will be conveyed via a Bill of Sale upon award of the contract. The Contractor's proposals and plans may become a part of the contract upon the decision to award. Past Performance information from potential Offerors shall be submitted as directed in the RFP. No Offeror will be denied the opportunity to submit a proposal in response to the RFP. Proposal due dates will be identified in the solicitation. The utility systems being privatized are described as follows: 1. NAVSTA Bremerton Main Base Wastewater System: The wastewater system at NAVSTA Bremerton consists of the following: approximately 12 lift stations, 48,199 feet of gravity collection lines, 42,122 feet of pressure mains, manholes, valves, cleanouts, air relief valves, grinder pumps, check valves, and an emergency generator that serves 140 industrial and 27 residential connections. The system consists of two sections -- onshore and offshore. The offshore section provides pier connections for berthed ships. The wastewater generated at Bremerton Naval Complex is collected and transferred to the City of Bremerton at three metered connection points for treatment. The storm water section is included. 2. NAVSTA Bremerton Main Base Water Distribution System: Potable water is supplied to NAVSTA Bremerton at three metered locations via 12-inch mains. The water distribution system consists of the following: approximately 168,941 feet of distribution piping, 104 fire hydrants, three water storage tanks, two booster pump stations, backflow preventers, PIVs, 882 valves, 203 industrial connections, and 23 residential connections. Ductile iron and cast iron are the most common types of pipe. Water storage is provided by three above ground storage tanks. The water distribution system consists of two sections -- onshore and offshore. The onshore section is functionally similar to a municipal distribution system. The pipes are located underground with isolation valves at intersections and are laid out with a number of loops. The offshore section is quite unlike any municipal system. On the piers, the water lines are hung from the underside of the piers and provide water to a berthed ship. Interconnected to the offshore section the water distribution system serves the dry docks. Backflow preventers are installed in the area of the piers and the dry docks. All the piers, moorings, and dry docks, with the exception of Pier C, utilize a looped water system with isolation valves that can be used to isolate sections of the line. 3. NUWC Keyport Main Base Wastewater System: The wastewater collection system at NUWC Keyport consists of the following: approximately 33,394 linear feet of wastewater collection lines, 86 concrete manholes, 2 emergency generators, a number of lift stations and force mains, and 102 services. Most of the service lines are from industrial type buildings. The service lines from the industrial facilities are typically four-inch diameter lines varying in length between 30 feet to 300 feet. There are only 14 residential units on NUWC Keyport. The service lines from these units are typically 6-inch diameter lines varying in length from 20 feet to 100 feet in length. Wastewater is transferred to the Kitsap County treatment system through a single connection point. 4. Naval Magazine Indian Island (Port Hadlock) Electrical Distribution System: Power is supplied NAVMAG Indian Island's electric distribution system at two 12.47-kV service points. The system consists of the following: approximately 5.3 miles of primary overhead lines, 1.8 miles of primary underground lines, manholes, poles, 35 pole mount transformers, 23 pad mount transformers, switches, and a 350 Kw emergency generator. Area lighting consisting of approximately 107 poles and fixtures and 2.6 miles of conductor is included. 5. NUWC Keyport Main Base Electrical Distribution System: Power is supplied into the NUWC Keyport electric distribution system at one 115 kV service point at the Main 115-12.47 kV Substation. The electrical distribution system consists of the following: approximately 5.1 miles of primary underground lines, 0.6 miles of primary overhead lines, substations, manholes, transformers, and two emergency generators. The major backbone 12.47 Kv feeders are arranged in a multi-loop configuration for redundancy and reliability, with minor loads served from radial, lateral extensions. A portion of the Installation in the Radio Hill area is still supplied at 7.2 kV, from a 12.47-7.2 kV, 750 kVA step-down transformer. The 7.2 kV distribution system is a combination of overhead and underground radial lines. Area lighting consisting of a combination of high-pressure and low-pressure sodium and mercury vapor type lighting fixtures ranging between 35 Watt and 400 Watt are included. 6. NAVSTA Bremerton Main Base Natural Gas Distribution System: Natural gas to NAVSTA Bremerton is delivered at eight metered points. The natural gas distribution system consists of the following: approximately 20,820 linear feet (LF) of natural gas lines with pipe diameters between -inch and six inches, 22 valves, 32 meters, and 64 prvs for 39 industrial and 25 residential service connections. 7. NUWC Keyport Main Base Natural Gas Distribution System: Natural gas is delivered to NUWC Keyport natural gas distribution system at a pressure of 15 psig. at one delivery point near Gate 2. The system consists of the following: approximately 9,070 linear feet of piping varying between six-inch main lines to -inch service lines, meters, and regulators servicing 26 connections. 8. Naval Magazine Indian Island (Port Hadlock) Wastewater System: The wastewater system at NAVMAG Indian Island is comprised of a collection system and two wastewater treatment systems. The collection system consists of the following: approximately 54,500 feet of pipe ranging from 1 inches to 12 inches in diameter for gravity flow and force mains, 57 manholes, 9 lift stations, 18 industrial connections, and 14 residential connections. There are two treatment plants at NAVMAG Indian Island. The main plant is near the main industrial area and provides treatment for all wastewater generated in the main industrial area and finishes treatment of the wastewater pumped from the pier treatment facility. The main treatment system consists of a single cell 210,000 gallon lagoon with aeration, five sand filters, a single clarifier, chlorination, and discharge piping. The pier treatment facility consists of two concrete-lined lagoons, each with four aerators. These can also functions as a holding lagoon. The main treatment plant also has an emergency generator for backup power. 9. Naval Magazine Indian Island (Port Hadlock) Water Distribution System: Potable water used on NAVMAG Indian Island enters at a single meter point near the main gate. The water distribution system consists of the following: approximately 93,411 linear feet of water distribution piping, 107 valves, 66 hydrants, air release valves, pressure reducing valves, backflow preventers, 2 water storage tanks, and a pumping station. The system is divided into two pressure zones and services 18 industrial connections and 14 residential connections. The solicitation will be provided for download free of charge via the Internet at http://esol.navfac.navy.mil/. Amendments and notices will be posted on the web site http://esol.navfac.navy.mil/ for downloading. This will be the only method of distributing the solicitation. It is the Offeror's responsibility to check the web site periodically for any amendments and notices to this solicitation. The official plan holders list will be maintained on and can be printed from the web site. All prospective Offerors and plan centers are encouraged to register as plan holders on the web site. Plan holder lists will not be faxed and will only be available from the web site. The solicitation, plans and specifications will be available on or about 28 September 2001.
Loren Data Corp. 20010910/SSOL026.HTM (W-249 SN50X036)

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Created on September 6, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com