Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
September 13, 2001
Contracting Office
FISC 937 N. Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92132-0060
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 18, 2001
Point of Contact
Nicole Hunga 619-532-2574 Fax: 619-532-1088
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contract specialist via (nmhunga@sd.fisc.navy.mil)
THE PURPOSE OF THIS AMENDMENT IS TO ANSWER VENDOR QUESTIONS AS FOLLOWS: SEE BELOW THE DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF QUOTATIONS IS EXTENDED TO 18 SEPTEMBER 2001 BY 3:00PM PST. PLEASE FAX QUOTATIONS AND A COPY OF SIGNED AMENDMENT TO NICOLE HUNGA AT 619-532-1088. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SUBMITTED A QUOTATION, PLEASE JUST FAX SIGNED AMENDMENT AND CHANGES TO PRICE. THE FOLLOWING ARE ANSWERS TO VENDOR QUESTIONS: 1. Can equal substitutes be used in place of certain components? Answer: If you are unable to quote the items requested, please identify which items are substitutes and be prepared to provide sufficient information to document that the substituted item will meet or exceed the stated requirements. The customer may not choose to accept the substitutions. 2. Does labor for configuration in reference to on-si te configuration or system assembly? Answer: System assembly only no on-site configuration is required 3. What type of operating system or software should be included? Answer: No software or operating system is required. 4. Do you require a sound card, speakers, or modem? Answer: None are required 5. Does the ATX Mid Tower have to be blue? What colors are acceptable? Answer: Correction the tower must be beige 6. Does the 128Mb RDRAM (one pair) does that mean you want a total of 128Mb RDRAM or a total of 256Mb RDRAM using one pair of 128Mb chips? Answer: The requirement is for two each (one pair) 128Mb RDRAM chips for a total of 256Mb RDRAM. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE HEREBY ADDED TO THE LIST OF REQUIREMENTS: (13) RH-17 R.HDD Bay Fan/Door IDE (on 21 computers only) (14) Extra Tray for RH-12 IDE (on 21 computers only) (Please provid e a separate quotation just for this one component on 21 computers if you have already submitted a quote.) PLEASE NOTE: All inquiries regarding this solicitation must be made in writing either via Fax at 619-532-1088 or e-mail at nmhunga@sd.fisc.navy.mil *************NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE ************** QUESTIONS MAY NOT BE ANSWERED INDIVIDUALLY -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED TO THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE. PLEASE CONTINUE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR UPDATES IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH VENDOR TO DOWNLOAD THE REQUEST FOR QUOTE AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS. http://www.neco.navy.mil
Web Link
click here to download a copy of the RFQ and amendments (http://www.neco.navy.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20010917/70SOL017.HTM (D-256 SN50X5F9)

70 - General Purpose ADP Equipment Software, Supplies and Support Eq. Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on September 13, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com