Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
September 25, 2001
Contracting Office
NOAA/Systems Acquisition Office (SAO), 1315 E. W. Highway, Mail Code SAOX2, Silver Spring, MD 20910
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
October 24, 2001
Point of Contact
Donald Thompson, Contracting Officer (301) 713-0820
E-Mail Address
ERROR -- (donald.thompson@noaa.gov)
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) administers National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) programs supporting the domestic and international conservation and management of living marine resources. The Office for Law Enforcement (OLE) is NMFS's compliance organization dedicated to the full time protection and conservation of living marine resources. OLE is responsible for enforcing 29 statutes pertaining to fishing, marine mammal protection, and endangered species protection.OLE is interested in replacing the present information system with a more modernized and technologically up-to-date COTS system to facilitate its law enforcement needs. Functional Requirements: 1. Master Name and Address Index (Mandatory) Includes all identifying information for individuals and businesses with links to all OLE relationships such as vessels, violations, cases, and warnings. 2. Report Entry and Processing (Mandatory) This capability provides support to authorized agents and officers for entering information into the files. 3. Arrests File (Mandatory) Assigns unique ID number for each arrested person keeps record of all arrests. 4. Vessel File (Mandatory) File of all vessels with which OLE has interacted; includes permits and links to Name and Address and permits files; includes vehicles related to cases. 5. Cases and Linked Violations (Mandatory) Includes description of the case; links to violations and arrests in the case; periodic review will generate Case Status report; includes investigations support such as notes, photos, and charts. 6. Seized Property and Evidence Management (Mandatory) Accounts for all seized property and evidence; must account for perishable seized property and its immediate disposal; seized vessels, other non-perishable property and where it is stored; and chain-of-custody evidence tracking.7. Boarding Reports File (Mandatory) File of all boardings with links to vessels and Name and Address. 8. Personnel File File of each employee their training, qualifications, assignments and history. 9. OLE Facilities File Information on all duty stations such as address, and telephone. 10. Management Support (Mandatory) Includes daily, weekly and monthly summary reports and ad-hoc query capability; includes geo-file reporting of event information. 11. Universal Crime Reporting Reports (Mandatory) Summary of reportable major incidents to the FBI. System Requirements: The system must be web based, and allow on-line access from laptop and handheld computers via OLE-provided communications links. The package should use Oracle DBMS. The system should provide the ability to tailor screens and reports. The package is to provide reports that allow managers and supervisors at all levels of the organization to review the work of their subordinates; the ad hoc report generation support should be easy to use. System Performance Criteria: There are currently 60,000 cases in the EMIS system with a growth of about 3,000 per year; there are about 60,000 name and address records with a growth of about 1,000 per year; currently, there are about 800 vessels in EMIS however, OLE plans to expand the number of vessels to about 10,000 with a growth of about 100 per year; there are 20 arrests per year. The system must be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week and with high availability.The Government will utilize the services of Mitretek Systems Inc. of McLean, Virginia to analyze the responses to this RFI. 1. Complete the pre-qualification sheet that can be found at OLE's home page at www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ole/. 2. Provide a short, specific response on how the COTS package(s) addresses each functional and systems requirement, as well as the system performance criteria. 3. Provide product literature that addresses the above requirements and criteria as well as any other important technical aspect. 4.Include a price list or schedule for license and maintenance fees for all systems.
Loren Data Corp. 20010927/DSOL012.HTM (W-268 SN50Y6X7)

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Created on September 25, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com