Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 16, 2001
Contracting Office
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
November 16, 2001
Point of Contact
sd13, (540)653-7765
E-Mail Address
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (sd13@nswc.navy.mil)
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), in support of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is soliciting white papers for basic research, applied research, and advanced research projects in bioelectrocatalytic fuel cell power technologies and their applications in electric power and/or propulsion systems. The goal of this effort is to produce a clean, fuel cell power source utilizing advances in biocatalysis and biotechnology. Proposed technologies should provide a non-toxic, high power density power source (utilizing, for example, hydrogen or peroxide but not limited to either) capable of providing power to systems needing long-term endurance or long operational time periods. The fuel cell technology may be directed to a variety of unspecified applications and environments. Proposed research may include, but is not limited to, enzyme catalyzed reactions for power generation, enzyme catalysts in fuel cell systems, electrodes with immobilized enzymes, and synthetic biocatalysts and polymers. It is hoped that this research will greatly expand the current state-of-the-art in fuel cell technology, with the potential for high payoffs from the high-risk ventures. It is anticipated that awards from this BAA will provide for a feasibility study (first task) with an option for a prototype (second task). The feasibility study, not to exceed 12 months, will focus on further developing and testing the offeror's research concept for the fuel cell. Research results will be evaluated to determine efficiency, power output, and production logistics, to identify and reduce risk, and to work out design details to the point where a good estimate can be made of the eventual system size, weight, cost, and risk. In addition, a plan and schedule will be developed for follow-on work. At the end of the first task, one or more options will be exercised without further competition for the contractor/team(s) with the best concept(s) (based on the results of the first task and the evaluation factors identified below). The second task will be an advanced development effort. The selected contractor/team(s) will design a fuel cell and build a proof of concept prototype to be tested in FY 05. The prototype will demonstrate the capabilities of the full system with primary focus on reducing key risk areas for the full system. It is anticipated that the second task will be awarded as a cost plus fixed fee effort. WHITE PAPER SUBMISSION: Offerors shall submit white papers summarizing the proposed concept for fuel cell research. Offerors may submit multiple concepts but must submit a separate white paper for each concept. The submitted white paper shall describe the proposed concept including delivery systems. Offerors shall state the level of testing and/or analysis that has been conducted to support their concepts and the proposed work to be performed. All proposals selected for funding will be required to submit monthly or bi-monthly status reports that include financial data. At project completion a comprehensive report and outbrief will be required. White papers shall be submitted via e-mail to sd13@nswc.navy.mil. White papers shall be no longer than six (6) pages in length (not including cover page) and shall be identified as responses to BAA Number N00178-02-Q-3004. The paper shall include a proposed price for the first task and a projected not-to-exceed amount for the second task and shall identify the technical Points of Contact (including telephone, fax, and e-mail information), and the administrative Point of Contact. All proprietary portions of the white paper must be clearly identified and will be treated in the strictest confidence. White paper responses to this BAA are required no later than 16 November 2001. White papers received after the designated time shall be considered only to the extent that funding remains available beyond the initial selection. The Government reserves the right to award on all, some, or none of the proposals received. Awards from this BAA may take the form of contracts or other transactions (OTs). Offerors shall identify proposed award type (contract and OT) in their white paper submission with rationale for selection and expected benefits of the type proposed. Awards may be made at any time after receipt of white papers until 30 September 2002. PROPROSAL EVALUATION: White papers will be reviewed and further information may be requested for technical clarification. Formal Technical and Cost Proposals will be required approximately three (3) weeks after notification that NSWCDD has decided to further consider the offeror's approach as identified in their white paper submission. An invitation to submit a proposal does not assure subsequent award. White papers and Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria in descending order of importance: (A) Overall scientific or technical merit; (B) Operational feasibility of the proposed concept; (C) The offeror's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques or unique combinations of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; (D) Risk identification and mitigation; (E) Cost and realism of proposed technology. Any general questions regarding this announcement may be submitted to the NSWCDD contracting office at FAX (540) 653-6810 or via e-mail at sd13@nswc.navy.mil. This notice constitutes a BAA for NSWCDD as authorized by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Although no portion of this announcement is set aside, proposals are invited from all sources. This BAA should not be construed as commitment or authorization to incur costs in anticipation of a resultant award. Information provided herein is subject to modification and in no way binds the Government to make an award. This CBD notice constitutes the solicitation; no written request for proposal or request for quotation will be issued. This announcement will be available on the World Wide Web at http://www.nswc.navy.mil/supply.
Web Link
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (http://www.nswc.navy.mil/supply)
Loren Data Corp. 20011018/ASOL002.HTM (W-289 SN5107D1)

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Created on October 16, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com