Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 25, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Interior, National Business Center, Acquisition Services Division, Southwest Branch, P.O. Box 12924. Fort Huachuca, AZ 85670-2924
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
DOI0801 and DOI0801-1
Point of Contact
Veronica Romero (520) 533-8944
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contract specialist via (veronica.romero@hua.army.mil)
DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR National Business Center Acquisition Services Division Southwest Branch PO Box 12924 Fort Huachuca, AZ 85670-2924 Request for White Papers 15 October 2001 DOI 0801 and DOI 0801-1 Contracted Services: Electronic purchasing of supplies and services including billing, ordering and shipping; and electronic disposal/exchange of excess and non-excess property. The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), a Department of Defense (DoD) educational and research institute, and the Department of Interior as the contracting activity, intend to award a non-mandatory contract(s) for the delivery of supplies and services throughout the DoD and the Federal Government. The intent of the contract is for the contractor to use Internet methods for ordering, delivery and billing systems. NPS will conduct a study of the contract operations to determine if Internet operations provide significant savings to the Government. In particular, NPS is researching the impact of volume purchasing of non-developmental, commercial items. The predicate for this research is that the internet industry is mature enough to facilitate the daily purchasing of supplies and services for the DoD and the Federal Government on a world-wide basis; and the billing, ordering and shipping capabilities of current Internet companies exceeds the capabilities of government contracting and finance systems. NPS is also researching Internet methods to dispose of excess and non-excess property. In particular, NPS is researching the feasibility and economics of converting the current internal property disposal/exchange system to one that auctions off excess and non-excess property over the Internet in a manner similar to those used by currently existing Internet companies. The predicate for this research is that the Internet industry is mature enough to facilitate the disposal or exchange of government property while obtaining a greater return for the government. NPS will conduct a study of the contract operations to determine if Internet operations provide significant savings to the Government. As a research project for NPS, this request for a white paper is conducted under a two-step approach using procedures similar to that of a Broad Agency Announcement identified in FAR 35.016. Interested vendors must submit a white paper in order to be considered for final evaluation and award. The evaluation will determine whether the white paper is: acceptable or unacceptable. Unacceptable proposals will not be invited to participate in the second stage. Vendors with proposals determined to be unacceptable will be notified on final determination of unacceptability. Vendors should submit papers that are acceptable without additional explanation or information. All papers must clearly identify all the requirements as provided at the industry day briefing. The white paper will be evaluated on the bases of: a) current capability to perform the services (this is the most critical factor); b) past performance in providing these types of services (commercial as opposed to governmental); c) proposed method of performance; d) proposed timeline (July 2002 preferred) for implementation of the services; e) world wide capability (and staffing) to perform the services; f) and past experience working with Federal Government agencies and the Department of Defense (this is the least critical factor and considered primarily informational). The Government may make a final determination regarding a paper's acceptability solely based on the paper as submitted. The Government may request explanations of papers but will not enter into formal negotiations on any paper. WHITE PAPERS WILL BE NO MORE THAN 10 PAGES IN LENGTH. An additional page is granted as a cover sheet identifying the firm and providing general background information. WHITE PAPERS WITH MORE THAN 10 PAGES WILL BE REJECTED AS UNACCEPTABLE! Total price/cost structures may be provided in the papers but are not required. Vendors submitting acceptable papers will be invited to submit a second, detailed proposal that will form the basis of their statement of work. Vendors will receive instructions and be notified of any additional materials, submittals or required information. Award will be made on an Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity basis. The Government reserves the right to make multiple awards in multiple areas. The Government likewise reserves the right to make a single award of both solicitation actions to a single vendor. The date for submission of the white paper is 13 November 2001 by 1700 hours. One copy of the white paper must be forwarded to the Department of Interior. A second copy must be forwarded to: Naval Postgraduate School, Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, ATTN: Ron Tudor, Building 330, Rm. 311, 555 Dyer Road, Monterey CA 93943-5103. Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Industry Day Briefing, 18 October 2001 DOI 0801/DOI 0801-1 Questions 1. What is the intent of the solicitation? The intent is to develop a contract/mechanism that is not presently available. The contract/mechanism would allow the customer to use the system for supply, services and construction purchases. 2. What are the expectations of where the contract would operate? Initially, we expect to pull some locations in as test areas. Ultimately, we would expect the contract to perform on a worldwide basis. 3. How does this compare to the GSA Multiple Award Schedule? It is very similar to the GSA Multiple Award Schedule. However, we want to build a system that is more advanced than GSA's. If we were content with what GSA has already created, there would be no need to research a more advanced system. The new system might compete with GSA but the intent of this research is to create a better contracting system. 4. Why would you take a big company to perform this project? NPS does not have a budget for this project. The successful contractor will have to fund its entire development and implementation. A large company is probably more able to handle the financial aspects of the program than a smaller one but there is no restriction on any size company competing for the contract. 5. What type of funding system would it be? Funding, if any, for the contractor will come from a transaction fee applied to each individual purchase made using the system. 6. What type of contract would it be? The contract will be an Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ). The prime contractor would be responsible for the sub-contractors. 7. Will there be a government statement of work? No. We are pursuing a state of the art commercial system. We view the commercial marketplace as more able to determine what is required than the government. Ultimately, the contractor will determine the statement of work. In essence, this is the ultimate performance specification. The contractor determines what will be done and how it will be performed. 8. How will past performance be tracked? We do not know. However, we anticipate that the system will allow or require a buyer to enter information on the transaction. That information will be available to every other purchaser that thereafter decides to use the system. 9. Is there anyway to guarantee usability? The answer is no. Even though the system is built, there is no guarantee that it will be used. 10. Where is the oversight? Either the normal, regular contracting officer or the Department of Interior's contracting office will be involved in each purchase. We will follow the rules for contracting that apply to governmental purchases on a daily basis. However, we will expand the capability of non-contracting office purchasers to use the system. 11. There is a tremendous amount of engineering outlay and no government funding available. Will the burden be on NPS to do all this work? No, we recognize that companies that are already involved in this type of commercial operation have an advantage in this process. It will be less difficult or expensive for them to incorporate the government's vast number of vendors. NPS does not have the in-house capability to construct the system. 12. What about problems, merchandising? Currently, NPS will be working these issues. 13. Multiple Award versus Single Award. No decision has been made. 14. Who will maintain the system? The contractor will maintain the electronic system. 15. Terms and Conditions of Government Contract with respect to disputes. Disputes go to the various Boards of Contract Appeals. 16. How do the subcontractors know about the government contract clauses? The entire database of contractors that will come from the government consists of vendors that have already possessed a government contract and sold to the government. They should already have familiarity with the government contracting process. 17. What is the issue of interest on money? This relates to bulk funding by purchasing activities. In the event that an activity wants to provide funds in advance, we want your proposals to address how you will handle that. Is there a benefit that will flow back to the purchasing activity for having placed its proceeds with your company. 18. Role of the Prime Contractor and subcontractor. The relationship between the prime contractor and the subcontractors must be worked out between the two parties. An additional point on this matter is important. The vendors cannot be charged a fee for access to this system. 19. Payment of Money. The DOI finance system will be used. 20. Publication Process. We will publish the information related to this project in every channel possible, for example, the National Contract Management Association and government agencies. 21. Is there a requirement to go to low price? Neither in the review for award of the contract(s), nor for supplies or services sold through the system, is there a requirement that the low price controls. 22. What is the maximum/minimum order amount on the IDIQ contract? There is no funding available for this action. When the formal solicitation is presented, you will be invited to insert the amount of the minimum obligation. Placing a minimum obligation amount in excess of $10 will not affect your ability to receive an award of the contract. However, contract award will be delayed until there is sufficient funding from ordering activities to meet the minimum obligation amount. 23. Data Rights. The government has no interest in the data rights coming from this activity. However, the operations and their results are subject to research and publishing. Since this system will be accessed by government computer systems, there will be some operational security issues. Those issues will be discussed at a future time when they are clear. In any event, the contractor will have to consider this when preparing the system. 24. Are there any requirements for specific insurance or shipping companies? The contractor will select the shipping system and insurance. The government does not take title to property until it is delivered. 25. Communication Requirements. The government agency should have e-mail capability. 26. Facility Management. It is a base operation contract. 27. Patent Rights. The government has no interest in patent rights to the system. However, again, this is a research and publication activity for the government. The contractor will have to cooperate and support that mission. 28. When is the White Paper due? By 1700 hours on 13 November 2001. Anyone who requires a copy of the slides please e-mail me.
Loren Data Corp. 20011029/DSOL005.HTM (W-298 SN5115T6)

D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on October 25, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com