Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 29, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AAC -- Air Armament Center, AAC/PK 205 West D Avenue, Suite 433, Eglin AFB, FL, 32542-6864
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
November 15, 2001
Point of Contact
Amy Spielman, Contract Specialist, Phone (850)882-4141 ext. 4556, Fax 850-882-5757, Email spielman@eglin.af.mil -- Lorna Tedder, Contracting Officer, Phone (850)882-4141 X4557, Fax (850)882-9685, Email lorna.tedder@eglin.af.mil
COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY Services Synopsis # F08635-02-R-0021 ? NOTICE OF CONTRACT ACTION AAC/PKZA, 205 West D Ave STE 467 Bldg. 350, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6864 MUNITIONS EFFECTIVENESS AND TARGET VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS, POC: Ms. Amy Spielman, (850) 882-4603 ext. 4553, Contract Specialist. =20 A request for proposal for a small business set-aside competitive procurement is contemplated to be released within 30 days for NAIC 541710 with a size standard of 1,000. A sources sought synopsis was published on October 02, 2001. This is a follow-on contract for Munitions Effectiveness and Target Vulnerability Analysis (METVA) in support of AAC/ENM located at Eglin AFB, FL. Tasks consist of performing independent analysis work in the general area of effectiveness of conventional munitions against foreign targets. The contractor will be required to evaluate weapon test data, develop and document computer models used in weapons effects and target vulnerability analysis, evaluate/modify/develop target models used in munitions effects analysis, evaluate intelligence data, assess target damage from weapons tests, prepare technical and letter reports. Tasks will include the following: (1) weapon effects analysis; (2) target vulnerability analysis; (3) aircraft attrition analysis; (4) Analysis of Alternatives (AoA); (5) campaign level analysis; (6) methods used in target vulnerability and weapons effects analysis; (7) development and documenting computer models; (8) conducting damage assessments of test targets; and (9) special operations forces analysis support. Historically, there has been a 15 ? 20 man-year level of effort required to conduct this work. As the prime contractor will require access to data classified up to Top Secret/Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals and WINTEL, only U.S. sources will be solicited. A security clearance will be required for all personnel working on this contract. A strict hardware exclusion clause is anticipated. It is envisioned that the contract type will be a Cost Reimbursable/Cost-Plus-Fixed Fee. Information packages and request for input will be e-mailed to all responding sources prior to the official RFP release. Period of performance is from 01 April 2002 through 31 March 2003 with four one-year options. The Government intends to solicit and negotiate with responsive small businesses only. Firms having applicable background, interest, and capability that have not already responded to the sources sought synopsis, may submit particulars within 15 days of publication to amy.spielman@eglin.af.mil, AAC/PKZA, Attn: Amy M. Spielman. An Ombudsman has been established for this acquisition. The only purpose of the Ombudsman is to receive and communicate serious concerns from offerors and potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the Contracting Officer, but to communicate contractor concerns, issues, disagreements and recommendations to the appropriate government personnel. All potential offerors should use established channels to voice concerns before resorting to the use of the Ombudsman. When requested, the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern. The Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of proposals or in the source selection decision. The Ombudsman should only be contacted with issues or problems that have been previously brought to the attention of the contracting officer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at that level. Potential offerors are invited to contact AAC Eglin?s Ombudsman, Dr. Mario J. Caluda at (850) 882-5558 with serious concerns only. Interested parties should direct all routine communication concerning this acquisition to Amy M. Spielman, Contract Specialist, E-Mail spielman@eglin.af.mil, (850) 882-4603 ext 4553, at AAC/PKZ, 205 West D Ave, Eglin AFB FL 32542. The telefax number (850) 882-5757. Direct requests for information concerning technical aspects to Mr. Bill Swift, AAC/ENM, Eglin AFB FL, (85) 882-6964; for contractual information, contact Amy Spielman, AAC/PKZ, Eglin AFB FL 32542, (850) 882-4603 ext 4553. LORNA TEDDER Contracting Officer =20
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AAC/F08635-02-R-0021/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20011031/ASOL002.HTM (D-302 SN5117Z8)

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Created on October 29, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com