Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 30, 2001
Contracting Office
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Supreme Allied Command, Atlantic, 7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100, Norfolk, VA 23551-2490
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
November 9, 2001
Point of Contact
E-Mail Address
Contracting Office (hill@saclant.nato.int)
Your Company is hereby invited to submit expressions of interests to receive an invitation to bid on the following statement of work. Letters of interests received to the Contracting Officer shall be in simple letter format containing the following: Company Name, Address, Point of Contact, Phone Number and Facsimile Number and E-mail Address. Expressions of interest shall be received no later than 09 November 2001. The complete invitation to bid shall be dispatched to the responders by 13 November 2001 via carrier and or e-mail. It should be known that this Headquarters intends to award a base year contract from 01 January 2002 through 31 December 2002 with two one-year extension options expiring 31 December 2003 and 2004 respectively. HQ SACLANT reserves the right to cancel this request for expressions of interest and the subsequent invitation to bid at any time in whole or in part with no charges or any fees to be levied against HQ SACLANT. All expressions of interest shall be forwarded to: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic 7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100, Norfolk, VA. 23551-2490 Attention: Contracting Officer. E-mail responses are suitable. E-mail address for response is hill@saclant.nato.int. Basic Maintenance Services Contractor will provide a proposal to furnish all labor and equipment necessary to maintain all turf areas, shrubs, trees, ground cover, walks, curbs and bed areas of SACLANT (Basic Maintenance Services). Basic Maintenance Services under the contract shall be performed at the frequency as specified on Attachment A, "SACLANT Map and Grounds Maintenance Chart". Basic Maintenance Services shall also include the following: Flowers: Spring Annuals: 400 1 gallon Winter Annuals: 400 1 gallon Mulch: Winter mulch application: 60 cubic yards Summer mulch application: 60 cubic yards Note: SACLANT will mark the sprinkler heads for Contractor prior to performance of aeration services. Additional Services: Any other services and supplies provided within the scope of this Statement of Work including, but not limited to the following: Contractor will provide a proposal for providing the following services: Large tree trimming (beyond what is provided under Basic Maintenance Services) Snow removal services: (if available) For the horse shoe area in front of SACLANT, the two parking lots to the east of the facility, and the parking lot on the south side of the facility. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE: A. Work standards: The Contractor agrees that all work shall be performed by, and under the supervision of, Contractor personnel trained and experienced in the performance of grounds maintenance services, including the use of the equipment required to perform the services. Contractor warrants that the performance of services hereunder will be provided in a professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with industry accepted standards. All work performed by the Contractor shall be performed in a safe and orderly manner with due regard for the safety and convenience of SACLANT personnel. Contractor personnel remove any trash from the premises, and leave the work area broom clean. Contractor's personnel shall obey all SACLANT rules and regulations while on SACLANT premises. All employees of the Contractor shall wear visible work uniforms, with company name on them. B. Contractor Furnished Items: Contractor shall furnish all equipment, materials, supplies, and services which are not specified herein as SACLANT-furnished and which are necessary to comply with the requirements of the contract. All Contractor-furnished items and services shall be compatible with existing SACLANT systems. C. Security: All contractor employees performing work in and around HQ SACLANT spaces and grounds will be required to undergo and satisfactorily complete a Virginia State criminal background security check. Upon successful completion of the criminal security check each person employed within the interior HQ buildings will be authorized unescorted access into HQ SACLANT spaces during normal working hours if access is required. Contractors performing work outside of the HQ building will not be issued access badges to the HQ. Any access to the interior of the HQ shall require a physical escort by the HQ Staff. Statewide background checks for employees will be provided to HQ SACLANT for review prior to being issued an "Unclassified" clearance badge by HQ SACLANT's Director of Security. Employee work outside of normal working hours will require a staff escort in all spaces not considered common areas. Contractor shall ensure that any and all vehicles to be used in the performance of this contract meet the requirements for obtaining the proper Department of Defense Vehicle Decals. Any and all fees incurred meeting these security requirements are the sole responsibility of the contractor and shall not be reimbursed by HQ SACLANT.
Loren Data Corp. 20011101/ZSOL008.HTM (W-303 SN5118Y1)

Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on October 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com