Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 21, 2001
Contracting Office
US Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center, ATTN: AMSSB-ACN-S, Natick Contracting Division (R&D and BaseOPS), Building 1, Kansas Street, Natick, MA 01760-5011
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
March 14, 2002
Point of Contact
Scott Tyler, (508) 233-4339, FAX (508) 233-5286
E-Mail Address
US Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center (scott.tyler@natick.army.mil)
This notice is a modification to previous pre-solicitation notices posted October 22 and November 15, 2001, and supersedes previous information regarding release date of draft solicitation; OFW Pre-Solicitation Conference and release date of final solicita tion. The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center at the Soldier and Biological Chemical Command, Natick, MA has a requirement for concept development, design, fabrication and delivery of prototypes for an Objective Force Warrior (OFW) multi-functional combat sys tem of systems. In order to synchronize Army Objective Force solicitation initiatives and to avoid industry conflicts resulting from simultaneous solicitations, the Army has elected to postpone the draft OFW Solicitation release, the OFW Pre-Solicitation Conference, and the final OFW Solicitation release. Release of draft solicitation will be on or about January 4, 2002. Solicitation will be available for download on the U.S. Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center, Natick Contracting Division website, htt ps://www3.natick.army.mil, under business opportunities / upcoming acquisitions. An OFW Pre-Solicitation Conference is planned to be conducted January 17 to January 19, 2002 in the Boston, MA area. Details regarding the location of the conference will be provided in a future announcement. Firms interested in attending the OFW Pre-Solicitation Conference are required to submit the name, address, email, and phone number of each person planning to attend the event NLT January 4, 2002 to Mary Hall, mary.hall @natick.army.mil, (508) 233-4829 or Pat Ross, patricia.ross@natick.army.mil, (508) 233-4606. A conference registration fee of $150 per person will be required for each attendee. Make checks or money orders payable to Mary Hall c/o OFW Pre-Solicitation Co nference. Payments must be mailed prior to January 9, 2002 to Natick Soldier Center, ATTN: AMSSB-RTP-W (N) (Mary Hall), 15 Kansas Street, Natick, MA 01760. Planned agenda for Conference: January 17: Executive Overviews of the OFW program, review of draft solicitation, planned use of Other Transaction (OT) Agreements, and open forum discussion of the program between the Government and industry participants. January 18: Continuation of open forum discussion as needed, 3 to 5 minute presentations by firms desiring to provide a brief overview of their capabilities to other industry participants, in an effort to foster teaming. January 19: Continuation of 3 to 5 minute industry presentations. The conference will end at noon on January 19, 2002. If desired, firms can submit short abstracts (not longer than 1 page) describing their firm's capabilities and interests. Abstracts submitted by January 4, 2002 will be distributed to all conference participants. The Government will conduct one-on-one discussions w ith interested firms January 17 and 18 in separate break out sessions conducted in private rooms. These sessions are intended to allow open discussion between the Government and interested firms, and are intended to enable discussions, which may contain p roprietary or other potentially sensitive information not wished to be shared in an open forum. These sessions are currently planned for not more than 30 minutes each, but will depend on the number of requests received. Requests for one-on-one sessions m ust be submitted to Mary Hall, mary.hall@natick.army.mil, (508) 233-4829 or Pat Ross, patricia.ross@natick.army.mil, (508) 233-4606 and will be available to any potential offeror submitting request NLT January 4, 2002. In an effort to minimize the potenti al number of these sessions, firms that already have potential teaming agreements or alliances under way are requested to schedule and participate in these sessions as a group. Sessions will be limited to approximately 15 industry personnel plus governmen t representatives. If necessary, these sessions may be extended into January 19 in order to accommodate all interested parties. The offeror s own proprietary information may be discussed during the session and will be kept confidential by the Government. Information disclosed by the Government during these sessions may be released to all potential offerors if, at the Government's sole discretion, such informat ion is either necessary for the preparation of proposals or, in the interest of fairness, considered as beneficial to all offerors or to the general public in order to avoid the creation of an unfair competitive advantage. The offeror's participation in t hese one-on-one sessions constitutes agreement with these ground rules. This process is fair and equitable, and applies to all offerors who elect to participate. Participation in these sessions is not mandatory, and information disclosed by the Governmen t during these sessions as discussed above will be disclosed to all potential offerors regardless of their participation in the sessions. In an effort to maximize the opportunity for teaming, the Government has established a web-based directory / registry to facilitate the ability for interested parties to interact with each other prior to the OFW Pre-Solicitation Conference. Interested parties can register their organization at no charge at http://teaming.sysplan.com/NATICK-OFW/. Note that registration with this directory is only to facilitate opportunities for teaming among interested industry participants. Registration with this website DOES NOT constitute registration for the OFW Pre-Solicitation Conference. Release of the final solicitation is plan ned for January 28, 2002, with proposals due NLT March 14, 2002. All other details of planned procurement remain the same as posted in October 22 and November 15, 2002 notices.
Web Link
Army Single Face to Industry (http://acquisition.army.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20011126/ASOL008.HTM (D-325 SN5135I5)

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Created on November 21, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com