Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 30, 2001
Contracting Office
3610 Collins Ferry Road (MS-002) P.O. Box 880 Morgantown, WV 26507-0880
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Denise Riggi, Contracting Officer, 304-285-4241, driggi@netl.doe.gov;Deborah Boggs, Contract Specialist, 304-285-4473, dboggs@netl.doe.gov
E-Mail Address
Deborah Boggs, Contract Specialist (dboggs@netl.doe.gov)
Notice is hereby given of the intent to issue Financial Assistance Solicitation No.DE-PS26-02NT41423 entitled ?Black Liquor/Biomass Gasification Technology Support Research and Development.? It is the intent of the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), on behalf of the Office of Industrial Technologies (OIT) in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, to solicit the submission of applications for black liquor/biomass gasification technology support research and development. The areas of interest are: TA-1 Fuels Chemistry; TA-1a Fuels Chemistry -- Immediate Needs for Demonstration; TA-1b Fuels Chemistry ? Optimization Needs for Sustainable Performance; TA-2 Containment, TA-3 Mill Integration -- Steam, Power, Pulping, Causticizing; TA-3a Mill Integration -- Steam, Power, Pulping Causticizing -- Immediate Needs for Demonstration; TA-3b Mill Integration -- Steam, Power, Pulping, Causticizing, -- Optimization Needs for Sustainable Performance; TA -- 4 Process Control and Optimization; TA4a -- Process Control and Optimization -- Immediate Needs for Demonstration; TA-4b -- Process Control and Optimization -- Optimization Needs for Sustainable Performance; TA-5 -- Assurance and Education; TA-5a Assurance and Education -- Immediate Needs for Demonstration; TA-5b Assurance and Education -- Optimization Needs for Sustainable Performance; TA-6 Project Specific Field Support. Applied and/or bench-scale research and development support efforts are to be undertaken. These efforts are expected to be promising new concepts and optimization efforts in support of black liquor recovery and biomass gasification technologies to the point that they can be demonstrated in industrial applications, with primary interest in the demonstration projects that are underway. The scope of funded activities is to cover, applied research and development, applications engineering, and proof of concept at the laboratory-scale. Technical areas needed to be addressed include those that are of immediate needs for the demonstration projects and those that optimize existing systems/concepts to improve/sustain gasification performance. The Government anticipates 5-10 awards. Individual awards may range from $500,000 -- $1.5 million in Government cost-share. The DOE intends to award cooperative agreements, but reserves the right to award whatever instrument is considered to be in the Government?s best int erest. In accordance with EPAct, applicants are advised that this solicitation contains a recipient 20% cost share requirement for research and development projects and 50% cost share for demonstration or commercial application projects. This is a percent of the total award value, not as a percent of the Government?s share. The duration of these projects is expected to range between 3-5 years. At this Internet site you will be able to register with IIPS, enabling you to submit an application. If you need technical assistance in registering or for any other IIPS function, call the IIPS Help Desk at (800) 683-0751 or E-mail the Help Desk personnel at IIPS_HelpDesk@e-center.doe.gov. The solicitation will only be made available in IIPS, hard (paper) copies of the solicitation and related documents will not be made available. Prospective applicants who would like to be notified as soon as the solicitation is available should subscribe to the Business Alert Mailing List at http://www.netl.doe.gov/business. Once you subscribe, you will receive an announcement by E-mail that the solicitation has been posted on IIPS. Telephone requests, written requests, E-mail requests, or facsimile requests for a copy of the solicitation package will not be accepted and/or honored.
Web Link
Click here for further details regarding this notice. (http://e-center.doe.gov/iips/busopor.nsf/Solicitation+By+Number/DE-PS26-02NT41423?OpenDocument)
Loren Data Corp. 20011204/ASOL004.HTM (D-334 SN5140Z0)

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Created on November 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com