Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 11, 2001
Contracting Office
Bechtel BWXT Idaho,LLC, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3521
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 19, 2001
Point of Contact
Glenn Clemons
E-Mail Address
Glenn Clemons (gc2@inel.gov)
DESC: Bechtel BWXT Idaho, LLC (BBWI), an Management and Operating (M&O) contractor for the United States Department of Energy at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) desires to procure a weather enclosure structure and a decontaminable retrieval confinement structure. Both structures will be installed on a 14" deep steel-framed foundation . The weather enclosure structure (WES) footprint dimensions must be 110 feet by 80 feet and shall be fully enclosed. The WES must have a minimum eave height of 24 feet at the exterior walls, and a minimum clearance of 40 feet at the center of the span. The WES shall be made of a fire-resistive material and be able to resist 90 mph wind load and 30 psf roof snow load. The WES framing will be required to support lighting, fire sprinkler piping, heating units, electrical conduits, and other miscellaneous equipment. The retrieval confinement structure (RCS) will reside within the WES and have a maximum footprint dimension of 66 feet by 45 feet. The RCS wall height shall be 24 feet for the 52 feet by 30 feet main structure. The remainder of the RCS must have a minimum wall height of 9 feet and a maximum of 24 feet. The RCS main structure shall be fully enclosed and capable of withstanding a -4.0 inch wc pressure. Normal operating pressure will be -1.0 inch wc. Radiological alpha particles must be able to be confined during a passive shutdown condition (up to 1 year), ventilation failure, and overpressure failure. At this time known penetrations to the RCS will include wall and roof mounted HEPA filters, windows on the east side (approx. 5- 4 ft. high by 8 ft. long), three glovebox penetrations (approx. 4 ft. by 4 ft.) on the east side, doors on the north and west sides, and an excavator penetration (approx. 4 ft. by 4 ft.) on the west side. Seismic criteria will be per the IBC: short period acceleration, Ss=0.357 g,1-sec acceleration, S1=0.131 g, Site Class=D, Seismic Importance Factor=1.5, Seismic Use Group=III. The vendor should provide information sufficient so as to evaluate its products for 1) ability to meet the requirements, 2) prior experience, 3) conceptual price estimate/budgetary information -- to include lease options, 4) structure acquistion leadtime, and 5) availability of vendor personnel for design support. The WES and RCS may be purchased separately but are currently proposed to be purchased as a package. Preliminary layout drawings are available upon request. BBWI anticipates issuing a Request for Proposal by April 30, 2002 and awarding a subcontract in July 2002. Nothing in this Request for Interest (RFI) constitutes an obligation on the part of BBWI or the INEEL to issue an RFP package and/or award a contract for the aforementioned services.
Web Link
Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory (http://www.inel.gov/procurement/litco/index.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20011213/ESOL001.HTM (W-345 SN5148Y1)

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Created on December 11, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com