PRESOLICITATION CONFERENCE The Health Care Financing Administration
(HCFA) intends to issue the Medicare Integrity Program's (MIP)
Coordination of Benefits (COB) DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) for
comment on or about Oct 19, 1998, and hold a Pre-Solicitation
Conference on Oct 30, 1998. BACKGROUND: The Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), (Public Law
104-191) was enacted on August 21, 1996. Section 202 of HIPAA adds a
new section 1893 to the Social Security Act establishing the "Medicare
Integrity Program" (MIP). This Program is funded from Medicare's
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund for activities related to both
Medicare Parts A and B. Specifically, section 1893 enables HCFA to
contract with an expanded pool of eligible entities to carry out the
Medicare program integrity activities that are currently performed
under contracts with FIs and carriers. Section 1893 identifies Medicare
secondary payment (MSP) determinations as one of five enumerated
activities that comprise the MIP. MSP generally refers to those
situations where a party other than Medicare has primary responsibility
to pay for the health care expenses incurred by a Medicare beneficiary.
The MSP process was developed to safeguard against making mistaken
Medicare primary payments and thus ensure that the Medicare program
pays only what the statute requires. Under this solicitation, HCFA is
seeking to consolidate activities that would support the collection,
management, and reporting of all health insurance coverage of Medicare
beneficiaries for the purpose of implementing an improved plan of
coordination of Medicare benefits with other insurance coverages. HCFA
intends to develop a centralized coordination of benefits operation
that will provide quality customer service to its providers and
beneficiaries by streamlining the payment process while assuring the
integrity of the Medicare Trust Funds. To further that goal, HCFA is
seeking a single entity to maintain a comprehensive insurance profile
on all Medicare beneficiaries. This entity, called the Coordination of
Benefits (COB) Contractor, will be tasked with consolidating the
following programs: a) Initial Enrollment Questionnaire (IEQ); b)
IRS/SSA/HCFA Data Match (referred to simply as Data Match); c) First
Claim Development (FCD); d) Trauma Code Development (TCD); e) 411.25
Notices (a mandated-by-law notice whereby an insurer notifies HCFA that
an erroneous primary payment has been made by Medicare); f) Secondary
Claims Development; g) Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA) (A new
HCFA initiative relating to trading partner agreements currently
negotiated between Medicare contractors and health plans for the
exchange of paid claims data); and h) PAYERID (the proposed national
health plan identifier) Registry. The COB Contractor will perform a
variety of functions including, but not limited to, the following: a)
conduct beneficiary surveys (IEQ) requesting information on the
existence of health insurance coverage, other than Medicare, on
approximately 200,000 newly enrolled Medicare beneficiaries monthly in
accordance with Public Law 103.432 (Medicare Secondary Payer Reforms);
b) conduct an annual survey on approximately 250,000 employers
soliciting other health insurance coverage of selected Medicare
beneficiaries in employer group health plans (GHPs) in accordance with
42 U.S.C. 1395y(b)(5) (Data Match); c) conduct development of other
health insurance on controlled work items (FCD, TCD, 411.25 Notices,
Secondary Claims) received from HCFA as the result of HCFA Medicare
claims processing; d) tabulate and evaluate the information resulting
from these surveys and forward the pertinent information to HCFA on an
ongoing basis; e) negotiate and maintain agreements (COBA) between
HCFA and other health insurers (and Medicaid State Agencies, and their
fiscal agents) for the exchange of eligibility and paid claims data
for purposes of coordinating correct health claim benefit payments by
Medicare and other insurers; f) maintain and operate the PAYERID
registry, currently being built by HCFA,that will enumerate all health
plans in the United States; and g) maintain customer service staff to
validate insurance information to resolve discrepant information and
electronically update beneficiary records at HCFA with other insurance
information. ABOUT THE COB DRAFT RFP: The COB Draft RFP will be
released to the general public on or about Oct 19, 1998. HCFA is
interested in receiving questions and comments regarding the entire
Draft RFP. Questions and comments should be submitted after Oct 19th.
HCFA will evaluate comments received from the general public at the end
of the comment period (Nov 13, 1998) and modify the COB Draft RFP
accordingly for an anticipated formal solicitation in Nov/Dec 1998. At
the Pre-Solicitation Conference, HCFA will attempt to answer as many
questions received as possible. ABOUT THE HCFA MIP INTERNET WEB SITE:
HCFA has provided information about the Medicare Integrity Program
(MIP) on the Internet (WWW.HCFA.GOV/MEDICARE/MIP/). HCFA intends to use
this site to provide information about the COB Draft RFP,
Pre-Solicitation Conference, COB Interested Parties Database and COB
Draft RFP Question and Comment Database. On or about Oct 19, 1998, the
web site will allow vendors to place their name on the COB Interested
Parties Database, RSVP for the presoliciation conference, download the
COB Draft RFP and enter questions and comments to the COB Draft RFP
Question and Comment Database (See below). You are encouraged to visit
the MIP Internet web site for all information regarding the COB Draft
RFP and Pre-Solicitation Conference. PRE-SOLICITATION CONFERENCE
INFORMATION: HCFA will hold a Pre-Solicitation Conference on Oct 30,
1998, to explain the requirements of the Draft RFP to interested
sources. The conference will be held in the HCFA auditorium and will
start at 10:00 a.m. It is anticipated that the conference will run to
approximately 3:00 p.m. The conference date is subject to change.
Therefore, you should visit the MIP web site to confirm the date before
traveling to Baltimore. Organizations wishing to attend the
Pre-Solicitation Conference must RSVP by Oct 28, 1998, and may do so
via the MIP Web Site at WWW.HCFA.GOV/MEDICARE/MIP/. For those who do
not have Internet access, E-mail communications to COB@HCFA.GOV will be
acceptable or contact Debbie Strittmatter, Contract Specialist, at
410-786-5136. E-mail communications should include company name,
address, point of contact, business type (i.e. audit firm, health
insurance company, health care provider, information technology
company, other), business size under Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) 7374 which has a size standard of $18 million (See FAR 19.102),
number and name of attendees, and if a paper copy of the COB Draft RFP
is requested (see below). Conference attendance should be limited to
2 individuals per organization when possible. HCFA is not responsible
for travel costs for the pre-solicitation conference. HOW TO OBTAIN THE
COB DRAFT RFP: The COB Draft RFP will be available to the general
public on or about Oct 19, 1998. Since the COB Draft RFP is large and
includes numerous attachments available only in electronic format, HCFA
will NOT be providing the COB Draft RFP to the public in an all-paper
form. The following formats are available: 1) Internet downloading (see
above); and 2) for interested sources who do not have Internet access,
a paper copy of the RFP will be provided with RFP attachments and SOW
appendices available for viewing at the HCFA library from 8:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. daily M-F (contact Elnora Scott at 410-786-7804 if you intend
to visit the HCFA library). You are encouraged to use the Internet MIP
web site to obtain a copy of the COB Draft RFP. The paper Draft RFP
will be sent on or about Oct 19, 1998. Only one Draft RFP will be sent
PRESOLICITATION CONFERENCE : A COB Interested Parties Database will be
generated which will be available for viewing on the MIP web site at
all times during the comment period. This database will provide
organizations with information about other organizations also
interested in the COB effort so that partnering, teaming,
subcontracting, etc. relationships can be developed for the anticipated
formal proposal submission. This site will allow the vendor to both
enter its company information into the interested parties database and
to record the names of those who will be attending the presoliciation
included on those lists you must enter the appropriate information at
those specific sites. The "COB INTERESTED PARTIES DATABASE" is for the
prefers that interested parties submit questions and comments regarding
the COB Draft RFP via the MIP Internet Web Site. However, for parties
who do not have access to the Internet, please submit questions and
comments electronically via E-Mail to COB@HCFA.GOV. Questionsand
comments may also be submitted via postal mail on a 3 inch diskette in
WordPerfect version 6.1 to: HCFA, Acquisitions and Grants Group, Attn:
Debbie Strittmatter, 7500 Security Blvd, C2-21-15, Baltimore, MD
21244-1850. The COB Draft RFP Questions and Comments database will
contain all questions and comments asked via the Internet and will be
available for viewing on the MIP web site at all times during the
comment period which ends Nov 13, 1998. Posted 10/07/98 (I-SN259968). Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0474 19981009\SP-0019.MSC)
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