SOL MASE 99-03 DUE 021299 POC Technical -- Ron Glover 843-760-4606 or
glover@aticorp.org; Contracting/Cost -- Erinbeth Massie 843-760-3366 or
massie@aticorp.org WEB: Click here to access the MARITECH ASE and NSRP
website, http://www.nsrp.org. E-MAIL: Click here to contact the
technical POC via e-mail, glover@aticorp.org. INTRODUCTION: The
MARITECH Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise (ASE) Program is interested
in receiving proposals (technical and cost) on the research effort
described below. The ultimate program goal is to reduce U.S.
shipbuilding cost and cycle time from initial business strategy
development through post-delivery customer service. This CBD synopsis
is an abbreviated version of the entire announcement which is published
on the program Web site at http://www.nsrp.org. This announcement is
issued to solicit proposals for research, development and
implementation of best practices across the following major initiative
areas in U.S. shipyards: Shipyard Production Process Technologies;
Business Process Technologies; Product Design and Material
Technologies; Systems Technologies; Facilities and Tooling; and
Crosscut Initiatives. These major initiatives are described in detail
in the Strategic Investment Plan (SIP) located on the Web at
www.nsrp.org. Offerors are strongly advised to read the SIP in order to
gaina greater understanding of the sub-initiative areas detailed below.
Because the program major initiatives are closely tied to each other,
proposals may be submitted with a scope that includes single major
initiatives or represents integrated efforts across several major
initiative areas. It is also anticipated that some project proposals
may include one or more sub-initiative areas within a single major
initiative. Due to budgetary actions, funding for FY 99 is less than
projected in the Strategic Investment Plan. Teaming. Teaming
arrangements are encouraged. At least one U.S. shipyard should be
substantially involved in each project, normally in a leadership role.
Exceptions to this may be considered on a case by case basis where
there is compelling justification that the program mission is best
served by the proposed deviation. Awards. Due to limited funding, the
MARITECH ASE Program reserves the right to limit awards under any
topic, and only proposals considered to be of superior quality will be
funded. The MARITECH ASE Program reserves the right to select for
award of a contract any, all, part, or none of the proposals received.
Awards will be made using a class of non-procurement instruments
called Technology Investment Agreements (e.g., Cooperative Agreements
and Other Transactions). These assistance instruments are not subject
to the Federal Acquisition Regulation. RA Process. This is an
unrestricted solicitation. Proposal preparation & submittal. Offerors
should obtain a copy of the MARITECH Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise
Proposal Kit (available from the MARITECH ASE and NSRP Web site at
www.nsrp.org). This guide is specifically designed to assist offerors
in understanding the RA proposal process. The MARITECH ASE Program will
host a proposer's conference on 8 January 1999 from Noon until 4:00 PM
Eastern Time, at the Hilton Hotel, North Charleston, SC, to provide an
overview of the program and each of the six major initiative areas and
to explain the process and answer general questions. Full Proposals in
response to this Research Announcement (RA) shall be submitted by 12
February 1999, 3:00 PM Eastern Time, addressed to MARITECH ASE Program
Administrator, Advanced Technology Institute, 5300 International Blvd,
North Charleston, SC 29418 Attn: Ms Erinbeth Massie, ATI Contracts
Department. Proposals received after the time and date specified will
be returned to the proposer and will not be evaluated. Acknowledgement
of receipt of proposals will be made by U.S. mail after the due date.
REQUIREMENTS: Technical Description. This announcement is issued to
solicit proposals for research, development and implementation of best
practices across the major initiative areas in U.S. shipyards as
described in detail in the Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). Refer to
the entire research announcement posted on the Web at www.nsrp.org for
the detailed Technical Description. Security Requirements. Classified
material is not expected to be used on this effort. Other Special
Requirements. Access to importanttechnology developments under this
effort by Foreign Firms or Institutions must be carefully controlled.
Procedures must be implemented to provide for this control. These
controls are in addition to, and are not intended to change or
supersede, the provisions of the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (22 CFR pt. 121 et seq.), the DoD Industrial Security
Regulation (DoD 5220.22-R), and the Department of Commerce Export
Regulation (15 CFR pt. 770 et seq.). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Anticipated Period of Performance: Offerors may submit multi-year
proposals, providing they specify clearly defined one-year (or less)
project phases to allow for go/no-go decisions on future year
efforts/funding. Each phase should specify associated deliverables and
milestones. The total length/duration of the technical effort is
expected to vary by project complexity. It is anticipated that most
projects will be of 24 or less months duration. It is recognized that
particularly complex projects may require technical efforts of up to 36
months. The contractor shall also provide for an additional 4 months
for processing/completion of the final report. Expected Award Date.
April 1999 -- May 1999. Funding Estimate: Congress appropriated
$16,600,000.00 for the MARITECH ASE Program in FY 99. However, all of
the appropriated funding may not be available for project awards. There
is no guarantee that awards will be made in each of the identified
topic areas. Multiple awards may be made in a given major initiative
area depending, in part, on the cost of individual proposals and
available funding. Projected funding levels for future years are
described in the MARITECH ASE Strategic Investment Plan dated August
14, 1998. Some program funding may be used to support other methods of
industry technology advancement, such as symposia and industry study
groups. Type of funding instrument. Technology Investment Agreement
(cost reimbursable based on agreed to milestones). Program Furnished
Property. None contemplated. Notice to Foreign-Owned Firms: Such firms
are asked to immediately notify the MARITECH ASE Program Office point
cited below upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign
contractors should be aware that prior Government approval may be
required before their proposals can be considered. PROPOSAL PREPARATION
INSTRUCTIONS: General Instructions. Offerors should apply the
restrictive notice prescribed in the MARITECH ASE Proposal Preparation
Kit (available after release of the official Research Announcement) to
trade secrets or privileged commercial and financial information
contained in their proposals. Proposal questions should be directed
(E-mail is preferred) to one of the points of contact listed elsewhere
herein. Offerors should consider instructions contained in the
MARITECH ASE Proposal Preparation Kit referenced in Section A of this
announcement. Technical and cost proposals, submitted in separate
volumes, are required and shall be valid for 180 days. Proposals shall
reference the above RA number. An original, hard copy (unbound) of the
proposal and seven copies (bound) must be received by the time and date
listed earlier. Offerors are also encouraged to submit one copy of the
cost and technical proposals via electronic means (using Microsoft
software -- Windows 95 or later versions) on computer disk or CD-ROM.
The disks shall be 3.5 inch high density disks, MS-DOS formatted, and
virus free. It is acceptable to provide graphics/exhibits in a separate
hard copy or as part of the electronic file. Providing an electronic
copy of the proposal is voluntary and will not affect proposal
evaluation. All responsible sources may submit proposals which shall be
considered against the criteria set forth herein. Offerors are advised
that only MARITECH ASE Program Office contracting officers are legally
authorized to contractually bind or otherwise commit the program. Cost
Proposal. The accompanying cost proposal/price breakdown shall be
supplied together with supporting schedules, and shall contain a
person-hour breakdown per task. Copies of the above-referenced forms
may be obtained from the contracting office cited or by accessing the
MARITECH ASE and NSRP Web site. Technical Proposal. The technical
proposal shall include a discussion of the nature and scope of the
research, the technical approach and appropriate metrics to gage
progress. The proposal shall identify which other Major Initiatives or
sub-initiative areas are related/impacted by the proposed research, or
state that none are related/impacted. Proposals that develop technology
that is transferable throughout the industry will receive higher scores
than those that do not produce demonstrable, transferable results.
Resumes of personnel who will be participating in this effort should
also be included as an appendix to the technical proposal and are not
included in the page limit. The technical proposal shall include a
Statement of Work (SOW) suitable for contract incorporation as an
attachment detailing the technical tasks proposed to be accomplished
under the proposed effort. Offerors should use the MARITECH ASE
Proposal Preparation Kit available on the Web (www.nsrp.org) to assist
in SOW preparation. Any questions concerning the technical proposal or
SOW preparation shall be referred to the Technical Point of Contact
cited in this announcement. Crosscut Initiatives. The proposal shall
also specifically address the crosscut initiative areas (technology
transfer; organizational change; education and training; human
resources; and environment, safety, and health) -- or identify why this
is inappropriate for the specific proposal. Page Limitations. The
technical proposal shall be limited to 40 pages (fixed pitch font of 12
or fewer characters per inch or proportional font point size 10 or
larger), single-spaced, single-sided, 21.6 x 27.9 cm (8.5 by 11
inches). Smaller type may be used in figures and tables, but must be
clearly legible. Margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right)
should be at least 2.5 cm (1"). The page limitation includes all
information, except the Cover Page, Table of Contents, List of Figures
and Tables, Cross Reference to Evaluation Criteria, Resumes, and
Statement of Work. Pages in excess of this limitation will not be
considered. Offerors are advised that the number of pages should be
commensurate with the degree of complexity of the proposed effort. Less
complex, less expensive proposals may be significantly less than 40
pages in length. Cost proposals have no page limitations, however,
offerors are requested to keep cost proposals to less than 45 pages as
a goal. Preparation Cost: This announcement does not commit the
program to pay for any response preparation cost. The cost of preparing
proposals in response to this announcement is not considered a direct
charge to any resulting award or any other contract. BASIS FOR AWARD:
The selection of one or more sources for award will be based on an
evaluation of an offeror's response (both technical and cost aspects)
to determine the overall merit of the proposal in response to the
announcement. Details of the evaluation criteria are provided in the
Proposal Preparation Kit, and are summarized below: Technical Aspects.
The technical aspect, which is ranked as the first order of priority
relative to the other factors (cost share, proprietary content, and
cost aspect), shall be evaluated based on the following criteria: a.
How well the proposal fits with the industry vision and Strategic
Investment Plan b. Innovation and technical merit c. Plan for industry
implementation d. Business case, including return on investment e.
Team strength and management plan, including the availability of
qualified technical personnel and their experience with applicable
technologies. The first item is the most important technical factor.
The other four technical factors are of equal importance to each other.
Other Factors. a. Cost Share: The proposal shall demonstrate a
commitment to share the cost and risk of the proposed effort. The
MARITECH ASE program goal is 50% cost share (i.e., for every dollar of
program funding provided, industry will provide at least a dollar of
cost share). While there is no pre-determined cost share ratio
requirement for any single project, the following incentives apply: (1)
Shipyard-specific proposals are expected to provide significantly
higher cost share than collaborative projects, and (2) All projects
will compete on, among other factors, the degree to which the proposers
will share the cost and thus leverage program funds. Additional
information regarding allowable types of cost share can be found in the
MARITECH ASE Proposal Preparation Kit. b. Proprietary Content: Most of
the program funding will be applied toward open, collaborative
projects. Most projects will be funded on a basis of sharing results
within the U.S. industry. It is anticipated that some projects with
proprietary content (called "shipyard-specific") will be awarded, but
these projects will require substantially higher cost share. The
estimated fraction of the funding that will be used in developing
technologies that will be openly shared without delay, such that a
higher percentage of the results are shared, will be considered in the
evaluation. Proposals with a higher degree of results that are openly
shared will be viewed more favorably. Proposals that include
proprietary intellectual property as cost share, but whose research
results will be openly shared will be considered non-proprietary for
this factor. Cost Aspects: Cost/Price includes the reasonableness and
realism of the proposed cost and consideration of proposed budgets and
funding profiles. The technical and cost information will be evaluated
at the same time. POINTS OF CONTACT: Technical Contact Point: Mr. Ron
Glover, Advanced Technology Institute, 5300 International Blvd., North
Charleston, SC 29418. Phone (843) 760-4606, E-mail glover@aticorp.org
Contracting/Cost Point of Contact: Questions related to the
contract/cost issues should be directed to the MARITECH ASE Program
Office, Advanced Technology Institute, Erinbeth Massie, North
Charleston, SC 29418, (843) 760-3366, E-mail massie@aticorp.org. Posted
12/22/98 (W-SN282571). (0356) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0006 19981224\A-0006.SOL)
A - Research and Development Index Page