COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JUNE 14,1999 PSA#2366Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement
Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia
1435-01-99-RFP-31017 DUE 063099 POC Betty M. Estey, Contracting officer
(703)787-1352 This notice is a combined synopsis/solicitation for
commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Federal
Acquisition Regulation Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional
information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the
only solicitation; offers are being requested and a written
solicitation will not be issued. The MMS (MMS), intends to
competitively award a contract. PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE NOTICE
Develop a system to present computer competency learning lessons using
a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) product that can be adapted to the
needs of the US government. The federal government, specifically the
Department of Education (DOE) and the Department of the Interior (DOI),
Minerals Management Service (MMS), are partnering to develop a data
repository of learning resources to match a set of developed computer
competencies for PC users. These department teams are operating under
the aegis of the CIO Council, Education and Training Committee. These
resources will be used by employees to develop individual learning
lessons. Employees need a mechanism to locate and develop a learning
framework given a specific content. The federal government will use
this product as a pilot for employees who work in the Washington, DC,
area, the DOE's 10 regional offices, plus other small locations and
federal offices to be determined. All employees are connected to an
intranet and this product would reside within the intranet of the
respective agencies and would be available to employees in any
location. The product would also need to be accessible to all employees
with disabilities. Overall framework for computer competency learning
lessons is to be developed using a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)
product which can be adapted to the needs of the government and fulfill
such needs as: a method to link standards for competencies to specific
learning lessons and requirements; a framework to set up the
individualized lesson plans to "hold" the computer competency
statements; a database with lesson plans which employees could use
instead of creating new ones with sample lessons plans; the ability for
employees to develop sample lessons to save for use by others; and the
ability to edit these sample lesson plans. An administrative function
would allow the DOE and other government customers to add, delete, or
make other changes in the links of each of the computer competencies
as resources are added or deleted in the future. Also included will be
the population of the first seven "generic" competency statements and
sub-statements, the data for which will be provided by the government;
and the population of all the computer competencies based on COTS
packages used for computer learning (Office 97 Suite and Outlook, for
example) for the respective agencies, the data for which also will be
provided by the government. A framework for the future population of
the product (government employees), a mechanism for keeping all
external sites current (web links), deleting some of the "canned"
lesson plans if they become outdated, and a mechanism for employees to
save their plans and to return to add/subtract from them at later
dates is incorporated. In addition to the framework for the learning
lessons, the contractor will identify existing resources within the
government, in the public domain, in web locations, and other
appropriate materials to be used to populate the learning lessons. Each
of the computer competencies could have as learning lessons one or more
of the following: hypothetical scenarios or case studies; links to
external web sites; links to internal intranets or other resources;
frequently asked questions (which can be updated); links that could
include sound and video clips (recognizing that alternatives are
required); and links to documents or other resources which would be a
learning lesson. The learning lessons should include features which
promote interactivity whenever possible. For the remaining unidentified
competencies, which are general types of content needed, possible
sources, brief description of development projects, and other ideas,
the contractor and the government shall determine the next steps to
complete the populating of the remaining learning lessons. The learning
modules available on The Learning Network (TLN) or which are purchased
during the first half of the project period and other DOE resources
should be integrated with any computer competencies. The Learning
Network team will be the subject matter experts and will supply the
computer competency statements, information about ED resources
including on-line learning materials, traditional training classes and
references, and draft content material which could be incorporated in
the "learning lessons." The DOI, MMS team will provide information
about learning materials available for DOI employees. The
computer-based learning content will be primarily reviewed by The
Learning Network (TLN) team of the DOE, with assistance and review by
the OCIO Education and Training Committee. The instructional framework
must follow the development standard provided by The Learning Network
Team and may include, but is not limited to, the following components:
help and information screens; general description of reference and
learning materials; site map; sample forms; checklists; decision
guides; learning lessons which are captured as electronic documents and
which are converted to Word 97 documents for printing and future
reference; and documentation of completion of learning lesson
(available for the individual only). The development standards will be
provided to the vendor by the government at award. The product MUST be
updateable for future additions, with complete documentation and a
standard format that will provide for additional modules to be added
annually and/or updated as regulations and requirements change. The
DOE's accessibility standards must be met. The scope of this Statement
of Need includes all of the DOE employees in headquarters and regional
offices. Included inthe training population are employees with
disabilities. All development must meet the Department's minimum
accessibility standard and the Federal government's standards,
whichever is more stringent. A text only version of accessible learning
modules will also be developed for this project. The DOE's
accessibility requirements can be found at
http://www.ed.gov/offices/OCIO/, click on Assistive Technology Program
button. The DOE's Assistive Technology Team is a resource to test
prototypes and to assist with the accessibility testing of the product.
The project duration should be no more than six months. The
computer-based learning lesson system must allow for an ability to
update content on a regular basis and in within a timeframe that is
acceptable to the government. Updates may be done by Department
employees or designated contractors who work with the network. All
materials will be owned by the Federal government and may be
distributed to other federal agencies without restrictions. In fact,
this project is intended to be a prototype for other competency
development projects within the Federal government. The proposal shall
include a timeline for the development of framework for the computer
competency statements. The population of the learning lessons may be
developed concurrently or sequentially depending on content
relationships. It is important that a standard "look and feel"
framework be established as a first step to serve as the standard
presentation for all the learning modules. While the learners may be
going to various sources, there should be a standard return to the
learning lesson site. Pilot test should be conducted to evaluate for
user experience and satisfaction after the learning modules are in
place to determine if the desired benefits for employees have been
achieved, including: easy access to the on-line system; current and
complete information (update capability if required); checklists,
materials, and other resources centralized to provide immediate
availability; and sample forms for review, with examples, help text,
and explanations. Corrections, changes, and modifications identified in
the evaluation should be implemented in the final product, and some
deliverables are required. Prototypes for approval for the each
component (as an ongoing process prototypes -- or storyboards when
applicable -- are to be submitted for approval before the computer
components/programming are added). Incorporate changes in prototypes,
components, and storyboards as identified for each step. At each step
accessibility review will be required to make sure that the framework
is accessible to employees with disabilities. For each competency, the
population of the learning lessons must have an accessibility review
to make sure that the lesson is accessible or that an alternative can
be developed (usually text). BETA for the framework and a sample of the
population early in the process to identify changes which need to be
made. BETA test is to be done by Learning Network Team and/or employees
designated by the Learning Network Team. BETA test may also be
conducted by DOI and other government agencies. Pilot tested by a small
group of representative federal government users for a minimum of 2
weeks to completion. Modifications required from pilot testing will be
made. Implementation of learning modules will be made after
modifications. Modifications that will be necessary during the
implementation phase. Delivery of product plus any operating, update,
and other documentation necessary for maintaining the product for
content and on the DOE Intranet, the DOI Intranet, and instructions for
any other government Department/agency which through the development of
this process is selected to have the product installed. The Learning
Lessons Framework will be acceptable if the desired benefits have been
achieved. The framework should have easy access to the on-line system,
current and complete information (update capability required), clear
and easy to use navigation, appropriate content which meets the goals
of the learning for the computer competencies, ability for
non-linear-learners to access just what they need to know/review,
feedback for users to provide constant reinforcement, bookmarks so user
can enter and return to learning when convenient, works with current
hardware/software delivery system of the government
Departments/agencies involved with this project, examples (photos,
text, etc.) reflect diversity in the workplace, minimum of on-screen
text-diffuse "book on screen" prejudices; is not a page-turner,
embedded exercises so user gains when tasked to apply what's learned,
on-line glossary for immediate definition of unfamiliar terms/concepts,
and follows all current standards of The Learning Network, and it
should be engaging, and accessible for employees with disabilities.
Contract period is 6-months from date of award for Phase 1. Each
optional Phase will be for a six-month period. HOW TO RESPOND: In order
to compete for this contract, interested parties must demonstrate that
they are qualified to perform the work by providing BY 4:00 P.M. June
30, 1999, a Capabilities Statement detailing: (1) your key personnel
(those who would have the primary responsibility for performing and/or
managing the project) with their qualifications and specific
experience; 2) your organization=s experience with this type of work
and a description of your facilities; and (3) specific references
(including project identifier/ contract number and description, period
of performance, dollar amount, client name and current telephone
number) for work of this nature that your personnel or organization is
currently performing or has completed within the last two years.
Offerors must be able to demonstrate an existing system accessible on
the Internet and which can be shown to be capable of adaptation and
modification to meet the requirements of the government. Also please
include any negative references and your rebuttal explaining your side
of the story. All references will be checked to validate the
information provided. Offerors shall submit an original and five copies
of Capabilities Statements to Ms. Betty Estey, Contracting Officer,
MMS, Procurement Operations Branch, 381 Elden St., MS 2510, Herndon, VA
20170-4817. Your Capabilities Statement will be evaluated based on the
skills abilities, education, professional credentials and experience
of your proposed key personnel; experience and past performance of your
organization, including number, size, location of projects, and
complexity of similar projects completed by the proposed project team
and your organization to determine your potential for success and
contract award. The web site demonstration will be evaluated by
determining if the product appears to be capable of modification to fit
the requirement, by the "look and feel" which is a subjective but
important factor, and the access speed and performance of the system on
the Internet. Past performance includes adherence to schedules and
budgets, effectiveness of cost control, the acceptability of previous
products delivered, effectiveness of program management, and the
offeror=s willingness to cooperate with the customer in both routine
matters and when confronted by unexpected difficulties. Following
review of all Capabilities Statements submitted, those offerors judged
most qualified to successfully perform the effort will be provided
additional written proposal instructions. You will be expected to
provide an oral presentation of your technical proposal if judged to be
technically qualified. The oral presentation will last one hour and
must be given by a key person assigned to this project rather than
corporate sales or executive staff who will not work on the project.
The government will evaluate each oral presentation to determine the
most effective firm, including schedule, coordination, options,
technology, testing and methodology. There will be a question and
answer session lasting one hour following the presentation. Oral
Presentations will take place in Herndon, VA. Each offeror invited to
provide an oral presentation must submit (1) a written oral
presentation summary in bullet form; (2) a project plan; and (3) a
business proposal citing the price to perform the work and option
pricing. The evaluation criteria are equal in value and a best value
analysis will determine which offeror will received the award. Price to
perform the basic work will be evaluated along with other factors.
Options will be evaluated. Additional written proposal instructions
will be forwarded detailing the requirements for submission of the
following documents prior to the oral presentations: (1) a written
presentation summary; (2) a project management plan: and (3) a business
proposal. The following provisions Federal Acquisition Regulations
clauses are incorporated by reference: FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to
Offerors-Commercial Items (APR 1998), 52.212-2 Evaluation Commercial
Items (OCT 1997), FAR 52-212-3, Offeror Representations and
Certifications-Commercial Items (MAY 99), 52.212-4, Contract Terms and
Conditions Commercial Items (MAY 99), 52.212-5, Contract Terms and
Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders
Commercial Items (MAY 99), FAR 52-225-3, Buy American Act Supplies; and
FAR 52.232-33 Mandatory Information for Electronic Funds Transfer
Payments. In accordance with FAR 39.106 the software shall be certified
to be year 2000 compliant. Offerors can retrieve these clauses on the
INTERNET at www.gsa.gov/far or request a copy of the clauses by
contacting Lane Donley on 703-787-1346 or by sending a FAX request to
(703) 787-1387. While telephone questions are strongly discouraged,
written, E-mail or faxed inquiries are encouraged. Please send
questions to Betty.Estey@mms.gov and John.Curran@mms.gov. Please
include the ARFP Number 1435-01-98-RP-31017 " as well as your full
name, organization name, address, phone and fax numbers. It is the
responsibility of the offeror to ensure that the Capabilities
Statements are received at or before the date/time set forth above.
Small Disadvantaged Business Regulatory Change Notice: The Federal
Acquisition Regulation authorizes the use of price and evaluation
credits in industries where SDB prime contractors and subcontractors
have been underutilized. We ask that you inform your SDB subcontractors
that they should contact SBA's Office of Certification and Eligibility
at 800-558-0884 to obtain an application, or to log on to SBA/s
Website (www.sba.gov.sdb). If you are an SDB prime contractor who is
not SBA-certified, we also ask that you apply for certification.
Effective October 1, 1998, certified SDB prime contractors were
eligible for a price credit when bidding on Federal prime contracts.
Effective January 1, 1999, prime contractors who subcontract with
SBA-certified or self-certified SDBs are eligible for evaluation
credits. Please note that prime contractors may continue to rely on
self-certification of their SDB subcontractors through June 30, 1999.
For solicitations issued on or after July 1, 1999, prime contractors
must use SDB-certified SDB subcontractors in order to be eligible for
evaluation credits. Posted 06/10/99 (W-SN341579). (0161) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0022 19990614\D-0003.SOL)
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