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Commander, Naval Air Systems Command (Code 2.4), 47123 Buse Road, Building 2272, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1547

16 -- BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TERRAIN AWARENESS WARNING SYSTEM (TAWS) TECHNOLOGY SOL N00019-00-R-0243 DUE 011801 POC Jessica Blackwell, (301) 757-5901, Steve Nickle, Contracting Officer, (301) 757-5899 Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) Technology. Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) N00019-00-R-0243: I. INTRODUCTION: The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Air Combat Electronics Program Office (PMA-209), is announcing this BAA as an unclassified solicitation seeking proposals for demonstrations of Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) technology for low level, terrain following flight. Points of Contact: Jessica Blackwell, (301) 757-5901; Dan Owens, (301) 757-5893. Naval Air Systems Command, 47123 Buse Road, Unit IPT, Suite 256, Attn: AIR, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1547. II. GENERAL INFORMATION. The Navy is currently developing a Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) based TAWS algorithm for Naval aviation applications. However, the DTED based TAWS does not provide Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) protection during low level and terrain following flight due to the current resolution limits of the digital data. Therefore, the Navy is seeking to develop TAWS that provides CFIT protection during low level flight over varying terrain. Through this BAA, NAVAIR is interested in identifying and soliciting demonstrations of TAWS technologies which will satisfy the objectives and system requirements listed below and are mature enough for demonstration in late FY00 and FY01. Ideas considered can include whole system concepts or solutions to particular technical hurdles limiting systems currently available. The most promising technologies will be selected and funded for demonstration in accordance with evaluation criteria listed herein. III. AREAS OF INTEREST. NAVAIR (PMA-209) is interested in receiving proposals for demonstrations of TAWS technologies that would potentially reduce CFIT accidents for Naval aircraft during low level, terrain following flight. In addition to the basic Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) capability, TAWS shall provide forward-looking capability. Through an earlier Request for Information (RFI), the Navy identified possible TAWS technologies that provide forward-looking capability by means of (1) active sensors, (2) passive data bases, or (3) a combination of both. The Navy is interested in receiving proposals for demonstrations of these types of technologies or any other technologies which meet the stated requirements. Ideas considered can include whole system concepts or solutions to particular technical hurdles limiting systems currently available. The Navy requests interested sources to identify challenges relative to forward-looking systems and describe how those challenges will be approached. For example, TAWS that utilize DTED Level 1 may encounter challenges during low level flight at heights above terrain that are inside the current resolution limits of the digital data (due to height error and grid spacing). The TAWS design should permit future enhancements such as obstacle avoidance, data fusion from additional and/or improved sensors, and auto-recovery modes. The Navy is interested in any integration information available on proposed systems.If known, proposals should describe what integration is required to implement the system, and how it would impact the electrical, weight, space, power, environmental conditions, and processing parameters of a platform. The proposals shall provide the following specific performance parameters: modes of flight protected by the proposed system (e.g. low level flight, excessive descent rate, excessive closure to rising terrain, altitude loss after take-off, minimum safe altitude, excessive descent below glideslope, etc.), type of warnings (e.g. aural warnings, visual warnings, etc.), and false alarm rate. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The total funding available for award through this BAA is $1,500,000 from which multiple awards are expected. Proposals are requested within 45 days from date of this publication. This BAA will remain open for up to one year. Proposals will be evaluated in the order in which they are received and may be accepted at any time within the year. Awards are planned to start about 01 May 2000.Demonstrations will be conducted from 01 Jun 2000 through 30 Jun 2001. The government will not give debriefs to the unsuccessful offerors. Based on the results of the demonstrations, future funding may be authorized for systems that meet the requirements stated in this BAA and demonstrate potential for CFIT reduction during low level flight. Current planning calls for production implementation during FY 03 -- FY 04 timeframe and a procurement of approximately 1,100 units. IV. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. All proposals submitted under the terms and conditions cited herein will be reviewed. Proposals submitted shall consist of a clear statement of objectives, a technical section and a cost/funding section. The technical section should include but is not necessarily limited to: past performance on similar efforts, concepts and ideas, methodology, expected contribution of the research to DOD mission, a Statement of Work (SOW) that clearly discusses the specific tasks and goals to be accomplished and milestones. Technical proposals should be limited to 50 pages. The cost/funding section shall include a detailed cost proposal. Cost proposals are not restricted in length and have no specific page layout requirements. Work breakdown structures and certified cost or pricing data are not required, however, NAVAIR reserves the right to request this information for proposals using FAR/DFAR type contracts. The following information should be included in the cost proposal: elements of cost (labor, direct materials, travel, other direct costs, indirect costs, cost of money, etc), the total costs to be borne by the Government and any technical or other assistance including equipment or facilities to support the proposed demonstration. Sufficient information should be provided in supporting documents to allow the Government to evaluate the reasonableness of these proposed costs, including salaries, overhead, equipment purchases, fair market rental value of leased items, and the method used for making such valuations. Details of any cost sharing to be undertaken by the offeror should be included in the proposal. Profit should not be included as a cost element if the contract type to be awarded will be cost sharing. If cost share is proposed, proposals should contain sufficient information regarding the sources of the proposer's cost share so that a determination may be made by the Government regarding the availability, timeliness and control of these resources. The cost of preparation for the response to this BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to the resulting contract or any other contract. Proposals shall be submitted in Microsoft Office 97 compatible electronic format. Address responses to: Naval Air Systems Command, 47123 Buse Road, Unit IPT, Suite 256, Attn: Air-, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1547. Proposals may also be submitted electronically to blackwellja@navair.navy.mil and owensdj1@navair.navy.mil. If submitting electronically, send to both addresses. Confirmation of receipt is recommended for electronic submissions. All information received in response to this announcement will be kept confidential. Offerors are cautioned that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the government. There is no commitment by the NAVY to make any awards, to make a specific number of awards, or to be responsible for any monies expended by the proposer before award of a contract. Information provided herein is subject to amendment and in no way binds the Government to award of a contract. V. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The primary and most important evaluation criteria is technical. The amount of funding available for award, although of lesser importance than technical, will also be considered. Under technical the following are of equal weight: (1) Understanding the Government requirement, (2) Soundness of technical approach, and (3) Ability to demonstrate capability. Other evaluation criteria, of lesser importance than (1), (2), and (3) but equal to each other, are: (4) Anticipated military utility of the proposedcapability, (5) Allocation of resources, experience and management, (6) Past performance on similar efforts (i.e. GPWS), and (7) Proposed cost and cost realism. The total cost to the government will be evaluated. Reasonable questions, not excessive in length, will be answered if submitted to the point of contact at the above mailing or email address. If submitting questions electronically, send to both addresses as listed above. Questions and responses to questions will be posted under the Business and Solicitations heading of the NAVAIR home page (www.navair.navy.mil). Responses will not be sent to individual email addresses, however all questions should include an internet email and post office address to be used only in the event of Internet problems. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The Government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. This BAA shall remain open for receipt of proposals for a period of one year from the date of initial publication of this announcement. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for this BAA is 8711 with the small business size of $2.5M. No portion of this BAA has been set aside for historically black colleges and universities or minority institute participants, though their participation is encouraged. For awards made as contracts, evaluation of the socio-economic merits of the proposal shall include the extent of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small business concerns, historically black colleges, universities and minority institutions. If the total cost proposal exceeds $500,000, any large business is required to include a Small, Small Disadvantaged, and Woman Owned Subcontracting Plan with its proposal package in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. VI. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT TYPE. NAVAIR is willing to consider various types of contract vehicles including; traditional FAR/DFARS type contracts and/or non-procurement agreements (e.g., Cooperative Agreements, and "Other Transactions"). Other Transactions will be entered into under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2371 (Congressional direction requires that at least 50 percent of the cost of a project under this initiative be provided by industry) and "Section 845, Authority to Carry Out Certain Prototype Projects." Information concerning "Other Transactions" can be found at http://www.darpa.mil/cmo/pages/other_trans.html and http://www.acq.osd.mil/ddre/research. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTORS: Registration in the DODs Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database will be a prerequisite for receiving an award resulting from this Broad Agency Announcement. For more information on the CCR, contact the CCR Assistance Center at 1-888-227-2423 or http://ccr.edi.disa.mil. Offerors are advised that the employees of commercial firms under contract to the Government may serve as technical advisors in performing technical evaluations of proposals. Such commercial firms are expressly prohibited from competing on the subject effort and from proposal rating, ranking, or recommending the selection of a source. Outside advisors are required to furnish non-disclosure agreements and procurement integrity certifications. By submission of its offer, the offeror gives the Government permission to release the offeror's proprietary information to employees of the following organizations: DCS Corporation, Lexington Park, MD and Aeronautical Radio, Inc (ARINC), California, MD. Posted 01/19/00 (W-SN416898). (0019)

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