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US Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, Attn: CENAN-CT, 26 Federal Plaza, Rm 1843, New York, N.Y. 10278-0090

Y -- KIMSEY ATHLETIC CENTER/RANDALL HALL, USMA, WEST POINT, NEW YORK SOL DACA51-00-R-0015 DUE 062300 POC GERALD GILLIARD-Contract Specialist (212) 264-4874Description: Project: FY 00 Through FY03 Kimsey Athletic, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. The New York District is seeking to secure a firm-fixed price construction contract through the submission of proposals to provide for the construction of Kimsey Athletic Center/Randall Hall at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. The SIC Code is 1542, and the size standard is $17M. One award will be made. This procurement is UNRESTRICTED. Proposals from all qualified small business concerns are invited. If a large business intended to submit a proposal, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9 regarding the requirement of a subcontracting plan. Estimated construction value is more than $10,000,000. The expected contract duration is approximately three (3) years. This solicitation will contain two or more options at the discretion of the Government. Plans and Specifications will be available on or around 24 May 2000. Propo Description: Project: FY 00 Through FY03 Kimsey Athletic, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. The New York District is seeking to secure a firm-fixed price construction contract through the submission of proposals to provide for the construction of Kimsey Athletic Center/Randall Hall at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. The SIC Code is 1542, and the size standard is $17M. One award will be made. This procurement is UNRESTRICTED. Proposals from all qualified small business concerns are invited. If a large business intended to submit a proposal, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9 regarding the requirement of a subcontracting plan. Estimated construction value is more than $10,000,000. The expected contract duration is approximately three (3) years. This solicitation will contain two or more options at the discretion of the Government. Plans and Specifications will be available on or around 24 May 2000. Proposals are due on or about 23 June 2000 at 2:00 P.M. The NON-REFUNDABLEcost for Plans and Specifications is $200.00. Parties requesting Plans and Specifications package must do so in writing, stating the Solicitation number or project name, complete company name and street address (we will NOT deliver to P.O boxes), telephone and facsimile number (including area codes). Make check or money order paybale to "FAO, USAED NY". Plans and Specifications may be examined at the following locations: This office at 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1831, New York, NY; Brown's Letters, 1167 Mcbride Ave., West Patterson, NJ 07424; F.W. Dodge, 148 Princeton Hightstown Road, Hightstown NJ 08520; West Point, U.S. Army Engineer District (New York), Bldg 667A, USMA, West Point, New York NY, 10996. SITE VISIT: A site visit will also be scheduled, for the offerors prior to the submittal of proposals, at which time offerors will be allowed to examine the site. All site visits must first be coordinated with Jeff Friese, at the area Office, at (914) 938-2116. Description of Work: The scope of work involves construction of a 100,000 SF sports facility that includes the following functional spaces: football locker room space, a 20,000 SF weight room, coaches administration space, multipurpose space, museum/artifact space, and skyboxes. The project involves the installation of the following major engineered systems: fire protection, HVAC, telecommunications, electrical, structural systems, EMCS, etc. The project is phased to keep the existing football operation building operational until Phase I is complete. Once Phase 1 is complete and the operation is moved to the new structure, the existing structure (Phase II ) will be demolished and constructed as an addition to Phase I. In addition, a bridge will be constructed from the new complex to Holleder Center (adjacent basketball and hockey facility). The Government will use a best value procurement method for this source selection. The successful offeror must have submitted a clear and concisely written proposal that gives the Government the greatest confidence in the offerors ability to meet the Government's requirements in an affordable manner. Offerors must demonstrate a thorough understanding of project requirements and a commitment to excellence in all aspects of project execution. This source selection may result in award being made to higher rated, higher priced offeror where the decision is consistent with the evaluation factors and where it is determined by the Source Selection Authority that the technical superiority and/or overall business management approach, and/or demonstrated past performance record of the higher priced offeror outweighs the benefits of any price difference. The Source Selection Authority, using sound business judgment, will base the source selection decision on an integrated assessment of the proposals submitted in response to this solicitation in accordance with the evaluation factors established within the solicitation. The Solicitation specifies a specific format for the submittal of the Proposal. This format is outlined as follows: All responding Offerors will be evaluated based on the following Evaluation Factors. Factors 1 and 11 have equal weight, Factor 111 has less weight than Factors 1 or 11, Factor 1V has less weight than Factor 111, Factor 111.a has the same weight as Factor 111.b and Factor 1V.a has the same weight as Factor 1V. Volume 1- TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (THE PAGE LIMIT FOR VOLUME 1 SHALL NOT EXCEED 100 TYPED PAGES ON ONE SIDE ONLY. PERSONNEL RESUMES WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PAGE COUNT.) FACTOR 1-OFFEROR PAST EXPERIENCE. This factor will contain the Offeror's past experience information. It is the Government's intent to evaluate the quality, recency, and relevance of each offeror's experience on recent (within the past five years) and relevant projects. For purposes of Factor 1, each Offeror must provide fully completed "Project Fact Sheets". Blank forms are included in the RFP. Additionally, provide a PROJECT FACT SHEET' for all construction projects over $15,000,000.00 that the Offeror started, completed or was awarded within the last five years (if more than 10 projects fit this criteria, provide only the 10 most recent). For each subcontractor, whose work is expected to exceed $5 million, provide a fully completed PROJECT FACT SHEET, for all projects over $500,000, which the subcontractor started, completed or was awarded within the past 5 years (if more than 10 projects fit this criteria for the subcontractors provide only the 10 most recent). Also include the name of the prime contractor for which the subcontractor worked. Relevant projects are those that are comparable in magnitude (cost and complexity) to the above and have the following major elements: 1. Construction of College and /or University level type sports facilities. This criterion will be rated higher than 2 and 3 below Or 2. Construction in a constrained site(s) (sites with limited access, limited staging area or adjacent to occupied spaces). Or 3. Construction of facilities of comparable size and complexity, such as athletic facilities, administration facilities, hospitals and/or research facilities. In addition, Offerors are encouraged to provide any supplementary information to assist the Government in developing confidence in their ability to successfully complete this project on the basis of their prior experience. If the Offeror is a joint venture, the experience of each member will be considered in evaluating the Offeror's past experience. To be scored Satisfactory' for this Factor, the Offeror must have completed a minimum of two projects meeting the above criteria. FACTOR 11- OFFEROR'S PAST PERFORMANCE: This Factor will contain the Offeror's past performance information. The Government believes that an Offeror's past performance and the degree to which an offeror satisfied its customer in the past is a good predictor of future performance. The Government will evaluate the quality, recency, and relevance of each Offeror's performance on recent (within the past five years) and relevant projects. For purposes of Factor 11, each Offeror must provide fully completed "Project Fact Sheet". Blank Forms are included in the RFP. Offerors must provide a PROJECT FACT SHEET' for all construction projects over $15,000,000 that the Offeror started, completed or was awarded within the last five years (if more than 10 projects fit this criteria, provide only the 10 most recent). For each subcontractor, whose work is expected to exceed $5 million, provide a fully completed PROJECT FACT SHEET for all projects over $500,000 which the subcontractor started, completed or was awarded within the past 5 years (if more than 10 projects fit this criteria, provide only the 10 most recent). Also include the name of the prime contractor. Relevant projects are those that are comparable in magnitude (cost and complexity) to the above and have the following major elements: 1. Construction of College and/or University level type sports facilities. This criterion will be scored higher 2 and 3 below. Or 2. Construction in a constrained site(s) (sites with limited access, limited staging area or adjacent to occupied spaces). Or 3. Construction of facilities of comparable size and complexity, such as sports facilities, academic facilities, hospitals and/or research facilities. Provide the following information in addition to the requirements listed in the Project Fact Sheet: (1) copies of any interim or final performance ratings; (2) copies of letters of recommendation from the Client/Agency of the projects submitted; and (3) copies of letters relating to contract compliance or non-compliance from the Client/Agency of the projects submitted. In addition to the information listed above, Offerors are encouraged to provide any supplementary information to assist the Government in developing confidence in their ability to successfully complete this project on the basis of their prior performance. If the Offeror is a joint venture, the performance of each member will be considered in evaluating the Offeror's past performance. The persons listed as points of contact or other representatives of their organizations, as well as other sources, may be contacted by the Government during the evaluation process. The Government may contact the Offeror's customers to ask, among other things, whether or not they believe: A. that the Offeror's performance conformed to the terms and conditions of its contract; B. that the Offeror was reasonable and cooperative during performance; C. that the Offeror completed the project(s) in a timely manner or is making timely progress on on-going project(s); D. that the Offeror was capable, efficient, and effective, especially in managing subcontractors; E. that the Offeror was committed to customer satisfaction and provided a quality product; F. that the Offeror negotiated fairly and in good faith; G. that the Offeror had a good safety record. FACTOR 111-MANAGEMENT: This factor will address the Offeror's management approach to the project. Offerors shall prepare this portion of the submission with the objective of giving the Government confidence in their understanding ofthe project and their ability to successfully manage, plan, and integrate activities for the complex and challenging aspects of this project. Sub-Factor (a) Management Plan- Submit a management plan for this project to explain the Offeror's proposed management approach. The management plan shall include identification of key on-site and off-site personnel and their qualifications (ie., project supt. PM, PE, QA/QC Personnel, etc) including identification of major subcontractors (those subcontractors whose work is expected to be over $5 million), the work they are to perform, and if the Offeror has ever worked with the major subcontractors before. The plan will also indicate the resource commitments, availability of corporate resources, identification of potential risks and plans for mitigation of those risks (including an outline QA/QC plan, Safety plan in accordance with the RFP); and any other information to assist the Government in developing confidence in the Offeror's ability to effectively manage the project within quality, cost and schedule objectives. Sub-Factor (b)- Key Personnel: As a minimum, key personnel that shall be identified include: Corporate Project Manager/Executive (off site "home" office manager of the project); the Project Manager (overall manager of the project); Project Superintendent (overall field manager responsible for construction); Quality Control Manager (manager of field quality control personnel); Superintendent/Subcontractor Manager (manager and coordinator of subcontractors), Safety Manager (principal in charge of enforcing safety codes), and Schedule Manager (or qualifications of a consulting firm in lieu of in-house manager). Submit Resumes for each member of the management team which are being used on this project. The Offeror shall also include a flowchart that shows the relationships between the key personnel and define the specific authorities and responsibilities of key personnel. Substitutions of team members are subject to approval by the Contracting Officer. If the Offeror does not currently employ such personnel, the personnel must provide letters of intent. FACTOR 1V-Technical Approach: The Offeror shall submit an integrated master plan and master schedule to describe the proposed technical approach for executing major work items. Offerors should prepare this portion of the submission with the objective of giving the Government confidence that they thoroughly understand the requirements and complexities of this project, and that they have developed a well thought out plan that integrates all related activities including coordination with other contractors and government activities. Sub-Factor (a)-Master Plan: The integrated master plan is a step-by step description of the offeror's proposed approach for executing the work. The plan should address project phasing, coordination with government personnel, with respect of continued access to the site, methods of controlling costs and maintaining schedule, and any other pertinent information to show that the offeror thoroughly understands the project requirements and has a well thought out plan for accomplishing the work within project quality, cost and schedule objectives. The plan should consider and identify essential government milestone activities that affect contractor progress. Sub-Factor (b)- Master Schedule: The master schedule is a summary level schedule in bar chart or other format integrated with the master plan and showing major work element sequencing/phasing in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the proposed approach is well planned and is reasonable and achievable. Consideration is given to the construction period offered, methods of construction to be used, type of equipment to be used, scheduling system to be used, identification of critical elements in construction (which, if delayed, can delay the entire project), method of development of payment estimates from the progress schedule and method of updating the progress schedule. The Offeror must display a thorough understanding of the events associated with coordinating submittals and time allowed for Government reviews. Specific Sub-items that shall be addressed under this sub-factor are: Sub-Item (1): Phasing Plan shall include specific methods to maintain continuous services/operation to the remainder of the adjacent annex and Michie Stadium. Sub-Item (2): Milestone dates including completion dates, proposed interruptions to the rest of the facility for tie-ins, transfers to temporary services and testing of new equipment. Sub-Item (3): The method of providing early notification of building services or operation interruption. Sub-Item (4): Identification of potential restraints and time impacts. Volume 11-PRICE/COST PROPOSAL (Separate Binder) Pricing Schedule: The total combined fixed price for Phases 1 and 11 will be provided in this volume. The pricing schedule identified as Section 00010 will be completed and included in this volume. This volume will not be scored, but will be evaluated in relation to the other factors. The related advantages and disadvantages of the technical proposals, in addition to the price proposals, shall be compared. Decisions shall be based on the total offered price, provided it has been determined that the price is fair and reasonable. The Government intends to award a contract to the responsible Offeror whose proposal represents the best value after evaluation in accordance with the factors and sub-factors in the solicitation. All evaluation factors, other than price or cost, when combined are significantly more important than cost or price. However, the closer the technical scores, the more important price becomes. Volume 111- SMALL BUSINESS AND SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS SUB-CONTRACTING PLAN (NO PAGE LIMIT AND SEPARATE BINDER) The Corps of Engineers (COE) is responsible for effectively implementing the small business programs within its activities, including achieving program goals, and ensuring that contracting and technical personnel maintain knowledge of Small, Small Disadvantaged, and Women-owned small businessrequirements, and taking reasonable actions to increase participation in its small business activities. In line with the emphasis of the program, the COE, New York District is particularly desirous of increasing subcontracting opportunities for Small business concerns, Small Disadvantaged business concerns, Women Owned business, Very Small Business Concerns, Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZONES), Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI). The Offeror is required to participate in the program by soliciting subcontracting bids from such firms. The Offeror is encouraged to take action to locate competent firms listed in the aforementioned small business program from its subcontracting opportunities in preparing its offer. In addition to locating small business sources, the Offeror is encouraged to take action to locate competent Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned small business concerns for its subcontracting opportunities in preparing its offer. A contract will not be awarded until the Contracting Officer has determined (with advice from SBA) that the Offeror's subcontracting plan provides maximum practical opportunities for the above listed categories to participate. In determining the acceptability of the proposed plan, the Contracting Officer will evaluate all factors inclusive of an offeror's past performance with respect to the Offeror's having awarded subcontracts for the same or similar products or services to Small disadvantaged business concerns and Women-owned business concerns. In order to make this evaluation, the offeror is required to submit its past SF 294 (Subcontracting Report for Individual Contracts) and SF 295 (Summary Subcontract Reports) forms along with its offer. Prior to award, the successful Offer will be required to discuss its subcontracting plan with the Small and Disadvantaged Utilization Specialist (SADBUS) and SBA. Therefore, the Offeror is required to submit a subcontracting plan in conformance with all aspects of FAR Subpart 19.7. FAR 19.706, Responsibilities of the Cognizant Contracting Officer, at subsection (b) states that "if the contractor does not comply in good faith with the subcontracting plan, the administrative contracting officer shall, upon contract completion, make appropriate recommendations that contracting officers may use for future contracts". Therefore a determination by the contracting officer, during or after completion, of the project, that the contractor did not implement its plan in good faith may result in adverse recommendations with regard to the contractors future contract opportunities. In addition, FAR52.219-16 Liquidated Damages-Allows Liquidated Damages to be assessed for failure to fully implement the subcontracting plan during the life of the project. Offerors that are Small Disadvantaged Businesses are not required to submit a Subcontracting Plan. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with DFARS 252.204-7004, "Central Contractor Registration" (CCR), to be eligible for an award, Contractor must be registered with CCR. For information on the registration process, Contractors can visit the following web address: http:// www.ccr2000.com or telephone 1-888-227-2423. Posted 05/22/00 (W-SN457380). (0143)

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