Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 24, 2001
Contracting Office
General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service (PBS), Central Area, Ft. Worth District (7PCF), 819 Taylor St., Room 14B06, Fort Worth, TX, 76102
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
June 11, 2001
Point of Contact
Trudy Greer, Contract Specialist, Phone (817) 978-2611, Fax (817) 978-7508, Email trudy.greer@gsa.gov -- Rita Hatley, Contract Specialist, Phone (817) 978-7076, Fax (817) 978-7508, Email rita.hatley@gsa.gov
E-Mail Address
Trudy Greer (trudy.greer@gsa.gov)
The General Services Administration (GSA) hereby notifies of intent to issue Solicitation No. GS-07P-01-UBC-5004, Project No. RTX20109. The Estimated Cost Range is $700,000.00 to $1,000,000.00. This will be a negotiated procurement to modernize three (3) existing traction passenger elevators, and enclose elevator lobbies including HVAC and handicap provisions at the Fort Worth Federal Parking Garage, 401 Texas Street, Fort Worth, TX 76192. Source selection procedures will be used in accordance with FAR 15. Price and other factors specified in the solicitation will be evaluated with the objective of selecting the proposal that offers the best value to the Government. Offeror shall submit a minimum of three (3) recent projects. If three (3) modernization projects do not include requirements for both modernization and maintenance, offeror shall submit additional elevator maintenance projects so at least 3 elevator maintenance projects/contracts are submitted. On additional elevator maintenance contracts that did not include installation, offeror shall show that they provided maintenance for at least one year on each maintenance contract. The following Technical Evaluation Factors are listed in descending order of importance with the first two being of equal importance. TECHNICAL APPROACH -- This factor considers the proposed elevator data, performance criteria, related work, conceptual design of car enclosure, and treatment of hoistway entrance, including critical functional issues of safety, energy conservation, low maintenance, appropriateness of the design in meeting program needs and goals, level of quality, and durability of materials. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT -- This factor considers the proposed general construction, related work, including critical functional issues of safety, energy conservation, low maintenance, appropriateness of the design in meeting program needs and goals, level of quality, durability of materials, and appropriateness of the design. EXPERIENCE AND PAST PERFORMANCE -- This factor considers the extend of the offeror's past experience installing, servicing and maintaining the manufacturer's elevators. Offerors shall provide evidence of at least five years successful experience comparable in scope and number of elevators operating successfully for at least 2 years under the contractor's maintenance (1 year under the warranty plus 1 additional year of maintenance). For purposes of this solicitation, a group of three elevators operating together shall be considered comparable in number. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE APPROACH -- This factor considers the program to be employed by the offeror in performing full service maintenance in accordance with the technical specifications, and proposed optional full service preventive maintenance program, which is designed to ensure efficient operation of equipment/systems and to extend the useful life of the equipment/systems. The factor includes the overall program, which must identify the equipment to be maintained, the frequencies for maintenance on each piece of equipment, the maintenance to be performed and the location of the equipment. This factor also considers the offeror's work plan for responding to routine as well as emergency calls during and outside normal working hours, and for performing repairs as well as needed tests of equipment and systems. The contractor will be required to perform on the site, and with its own organization, work equivalent to at least 75 percent of the total amount of work to be performed under the contract. The solicitation documents will be available for downloading from the Internet on or about May 9, 2001 and will be due June 11, 2001 at 2:30 p.m. The exact time and place of the pre-construction conference will be provided in the solicitation documents. Contractors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation. It is the offeror's responsibility to monitor this site for the release of the solicitation and amendments (if any). These documents will be in pdf format. To obtain a set of drawings contact Rita Hatley, at 817-978-7076. Only one set of drawings per contractor will be issued, and they will be issued on a disk. All contractors downloading the solicitation shall notify this office in writing via facsimile: ATTN: Rita Hatley, 817-978-7508, in order to be placed on the plan holders list. Copies of the solicitation will be posted on the Electronic Posting System (www.eps.gov) Contractors can also register to be notified by e-mail of new postings, including future synopsis, solicitations, and amendments. All responsible sources will be considered.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS.woa/wa/SPF?A=P&P=GS-07F-01-UBC-5004&L=20)
Loren Data Corp. 20010426/ZSOL009.HTM (D-114 SN50K144)

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Created on April 24, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com